Road Trippit

Group Members

  • Zachary Tribbett
  • Cameron Froehlich
  • TA: Tsung-Hsiang (Sean) Chang

Problem Statement

College is a time of making friends and a budding and blooming social network. College is also about traveling and gaining life experiences. However traveling is expensive and almost impossible to do on a college budget - but it doesn't have to be! Your social network spans the country: friends from home at colleges all over the nation and friends at your college from all over the nation. Do you want to travel on a college-budget across the country? Let's Road Trippit!

Road Trippit is a Facebook application that aims to solve the problem of affordable traveling for college students, leveraging a students social network to alleviate the cost of lodging. We identify the problem as:

1. The United States is a large nation that can be very expensive to travel through, resulting in many people to never experiencing the different cultures and people scattered throughout this country.

2. Travel in the United States is very expensive:
    a. Flights are beyond the budget of most college students.
    b. Large train systems, such as Amtrak, have high prices comparable to flights.
    c. Inexpensive hotels and motels average $70+ a night.

3. The largest aspect of the total cost is lodging, including a place to sleep, bathe, eat, etc.

Road Trippit will solve these problems by allowing people to plan road trips with their friends, designing a route based on the user's "desired cities" and the user's friends locations.

GR 1 - Task Analysis

GR 2 - Designs

GR 3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototyping

GR6 - User Testing

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1 Comment

    • Please create a separate page for each GR.
    • No evidence that you actually did observation or talked to actual users. You have talk to at least 3 representative users. Even though you have personas, how do they deal with the problem you are trying to solve in the real environment?
    • The user analysis is too sketchy. I believe you have multiple user classes: at least, travelers and hosts.
    • The task analysis is too sketchy and not thoughtful. You only focus on the aspect of the travelers. How do the hosts interact with your system? Besides, all your tasks are actually for one goal: planning a trip. You should come up with three different high-level tasks for your system, otherwise you system could be too small for a group project.