- Paul
- 23 years old
- likes to travel and take photos
- likes to share the photos with family
- Valentina
- Paul's aunt
- has less-than-average computer skill
- Colby
- comes from California, but now lives in Boston
- takes photos but does not like to share them
- wants to comment on the photos of his hometown
- Paul
- goes hiking at Joshua Tree, California, and takes a lot of pictures
- go to PhotoTalk website, signs up, and posts some photos
- phones Valentina that his photo is on PhotoTalk
- Valentina
- goes to the website
- searches for Paul's photo
- gets to see the photos at last
- Colby
- misses home, and wants to look for his favorite spots at home
- gets to know PhotoTalk and browses the website for a while
- sees Paul's photo of Joshua Tree
- comments on Paul's photo
- possibly telling Paul that some photo information is incorrect
- Paul
- [gets notified by / notices] Colby's comments
- replies to Colby's comments
- corrects his photo information
- posts more photos
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