- We decouple admissions decisions from the fellowship decisions. Admissions decisions are made in each sector meeting first, and then subsequently, each sector identifies candidates to nominate for departmental fellowships. We want to avoid coming out of the sector meetings with “Admit X — no real RA support — give them a Fellowship”. If faculty are excited about a student, they should offer RAs. Some of these RA offers may end up becoming fellowship candidates.
- Fellowships are limited at the department level. We can also nominate students for SoE and OGE Fellowships.
- Sectors should feel free to nominate whomever they feel are the strongest 3 candidates that the faculty are most excited about.
- Criteria for a good fellowship candidate could include someone who is ranked highly in the pool, whom several faculty are interested in working with, etc. Since a candidate may not check off all these boxes, please identify up to 3 candidates/sector.
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