New Info for Fall 2025 Application Cycle:
- The Grad Admissions Chair for AY25 is Luca Carlone.
- The Graduate Program Staff includes Rachael Draper and Erinn Taylor Barroso.
- (Completed) The early admissions process for the 5-year combined SB/SM program opens on June 1, 2024. Review will run through mid-August, with decisions being sent by September 1, 2024.
- Our current process flowchart can be found here. This is a detailed step-by-step explanation of the graduate admissions review process. Note that the threshold for a candidate to advance to Round 2 is currently set to 2.5, but an increase of this threshold is being discussed as a potential change for this year.
- Starting Fall 2025, all faculty are member of the Graduate Admissions Committee (GAC).
- The main application review site is here (SLATE)
- Navigate to "Queue" to view your unread assigned applications for review
- Overview of the Grad Admissions process and information for new faculty
- Have a look at our suggested Scoring Guidelines here. Feel free to use these guidelines if needed, when you are choosing the numerical score of an applicant you are reviewing.
- Intended meaning of review scores:
- 4: Definitely Admit
- 3.5: Admit
- 3: Admissible
- 2: Probably Admissible
- 1: Reject
- All official decisions from the department will not be sent until end of February
- For any difficulties, please mail Luca Carlone ( or Rachael Draper (
- Further information:
Resources on Rankings:
GAC 2024-2025 Schedule:
- December 1, 2024: Grad applications website closes.
- December 2-8, 2024: Triaging by Graduate Program Staff and GAC Chair.
- December 9, 2024: Round 1 Folder Reviews begin.
- January 10, 2025: Round 1 completed. All Round 1 folders have two GAC reads.
- February 1, 2025: All Round 2 reviews completed.
- February 5-7, 2025: Sector Admissions Meetings
- All decisions released morning of February 21, 2025.
- March 12-13, 2025: AeroAstro Open House
- April 15, 2025: Reply to Offer deadline
- May 30, 2025: Wait List is released.
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