From: "Steven Gass" <sgass@MIT.EDU>
To: "'Oliver Thomas'" <>, "'Keith McCluskey'" <>,
<>, "'Katherine McNeill-Harman'" <>,
<>, "'Robert Wolfe'" <>, <>,
"'Phillip Long'" <>, <>
Cc: "'Steven Gass'" <>
Subject: Next Steps re Teaching w/Technology Website
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:53:04 -0400Hi everyone,
Thanks for a very productive meeting today. Here is my attempt to list the
action items/next steps/agreed upon assumptions:1. Immediate focus is to insure that the website is accurate and up to date
so that we can feel confident about publicizing it to faculty as part of the
FY'08 academic year rollout.
2. Decided to assign people to review different categories of the website.
This review encompasses the following elements:
- things currently listed should continue to be listed and are described
correctly (improved descriptions are encouraged if they would be helpful;
also suggeste improvements to category headings are encouraged).- that the associated metadata for each service is accurate.
- suggest services that are not currently listed but should be in that
3. Category assignments for 2 above are:- Learning Spaces: Phil
- Class Management Tools: Arti and Dee
- Digital Documents: Rob and Keith
- Support and Training: Oliver and Kate
- Software and Web Services: Alex
- Multimedia: Katie
- Resources, Getting Started, and About: Steve
4. We agreed to consider combining the categories of Support and Training,
and to separate the categories Software and Web Services (name for "web
services" to be determined).
5. Oliver will create separate spreadsheets for each of the assignments
listed in 3 above and post them on the wiki. Please use these spreadsheets
to make your updates/corrections and capture any other comments.
6. We agreed to have this assignment done by Friday, May 11, to allow Steve
and Oliver to collate materials and appropriately set the agenda for our
next meeting, Wednesday, May 16, 1-3pm at a location yet to be determined.
7. Our goal is to have our work done no later than the end of our 3rd
meeting (Thursday, May 24, 3-5pm) so that we can hand off the required html
work to a service group, e.g., MIT Publishing Services Bureau.
8. We agreed that as part of this revision we should create an alph
directory for all the services on the website.
9. We brainstormed a bunch of different ideas/suggestions that Oliver
captured and will put up on the wiki.
10. We agree that once we've determined the changes on the website, a small
group will work to create a 8 1/2" x 11" brochure for distribution to the
faculty and other members of the community as part of the rollout for the
new academic year. Oliver and I welcome volunteers who'd like to help with
that effort.Okay, 10 seems like a good number to stop at. Please let us know what I may
have missed or if anything I've stated is not clear.Cheers,
Steve Gass
Associate Director for Public Services | 617.253.7058
MIT Libraries | 617.253.8894 (Fax)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 14S-216 |
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307