Created by Ranjani Saigal and Kate James on March 26, 2010.
Feel free to add comments to this page.

NOTE: This is the first version that links only to templates.
Link to the video-test site - version 1

NOTE: This is the second version that provides complete information and links to templates.
Link to the video-test - version 2

link to photos from meeting Apr 8 (create flow chart for 'share' section, also layout for video home page)

Link to photo from meeting Apr 14 (create flow chart for 'record' section

Link to photos from meeting May 5 (create site layout w/KJ, RS & MR)

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: VSPIT Sitemap

Gliffy Macro Error

An error occurred while rendering this diagram. Please contact your administrator.

  • Name: VSPIT Secondlevel
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. I can't be at the meeting, so I'm leaving my notes here for reference:

    I don't necessarily think that video conferencing or distance ed needs to be part of this - this is mainly for capture.  I would certainly add in stuff in the FAQ that then links over to the AMPS site, just in case someone goes there looking for answers, but this is mainly about capture to delivery for DIYers or people who are looking for more information.

    I forgot to add in my mock up of what I had in my head - this is probably more for the walk through for people, but I figured I'd add it in for reference.