This note is used for description of the organization of materials both past and present. Use this note for all collection level descriptions.

  • Include information about original order if known or any arrangement done by the processor.
  • Indicate whether the collection is intellectually arranged in the finding aid and if a different arrangement exists in the box or digital storage. 
  • Legacy description may only reference later accruals.
  • Description of technical steps taken to perform arrangement actions for digital material should be included in the Processing information note and not here. 
  • Note if digital files are integrated with physical materials or separated.
Organized into two series: Series 1. Correspondence; Series 2. Photographs.
Original order maintained.
Arranged chronologically.

Material added in 1998 has been kept together and is listed at the end of Series 3.

Material added in 2005 has been kept together and is recorded at the end of the collection list.

Digital files in the collection have been arranged intellectually with physical materials in topical series. When accessing the digital files they will reflect the original arrangement as presented on transfer.

Content References

DACS 3.2

MARC: 351

EAD: <arrangement>