This is Paul Gronke posting for the Pew/JEHT Make Voting Work project. I'm wondering if we can start a conversation about how we might leverage our various groups to collect a wider array of information about election administration.
One place to start is to understand what is on the common content. I will have one of my RAs post up that information soon.
It would be nice to know who else is out there and is interested in this group.
It appears that there is no content yet proposed for the 2008 pre-election core that concerns election administration.
There is this item; I will post later a followup that I used in 2006.
##page voteintent
v3045 Do you intend to vote in the November election?
<1> No
<2> Not sure
<3> Yes
<4> I already voted, absentee or early
For the post:
V4001 Voter Registration
Are you registered to vote?
<1> Yes, I'm registered at [address we have for them]
<2> Yes, I'm registered at a different address: ______________
<3> No, I'm not registered and don't plan on registering.
<4> Not sure
v4003b [if v4002!=4] Second Reason for Not Voting
Was there any other reason you did not vote? [check one]
<1> I forgot
<2> I'm not interested
<3> Too Busy
<4> Did Not Like the Candidates
<5> I am not registered
<6> I did not have the correct form of identification
<7> Out of Town
<8> Sick or disabled
<9> Transportation
<10> Bad Weather
<11> The Line at the Polls was Too Long
<12> I tried to vote on Election Day but was not allowed to vote at the Polls
<13> I tried to get an absentee ballot, but was not permitted to vote.
<14> I did not know where to vote
<15> I did not feel that I knew enough about the choices
<16> Other
<55> Don't Know
v4004 Mode of Voting
[if v4002==4] Did you vote in person on Election Day at a precinct, in person before Election Day, or by mail (that is, absentee or vote by mail)?
<1> In person on election day (at polling booth or precinct)
<2> In person before election day (early)
<3> Voted by mail (or absentee)
<4> Don't Know
<5> I did not vote
v4005 When Vote
[if v4004 ==2|v4004==3] When did you vote early or mail in your ballot?
<1> On Election Day (Tuesday November 4).
<2> During the week before the election (Monday October 27 through Monday November 3)
<3> During the week of Monday October 20 through Sunday October 26.
<4> During the week of Monday October 13 through Sunday October 19.
<5> During the week of Monday October 6 through Sunday October 12.
<6> Before October 6.
<7> Other
v4006 Voter ID
[if v4002==1|v4002==2] Were you asked to show picture identification, such as a driver's license, at the polling place or election office when you voted this November?
<1> Yes
<2> No
v4006a [if v4007 == 1] Were you then allowed to vote?
<1> No, I was not allowed to vote
<2> I was allowed to voting using a provisional ballot
<3> I voted
v4007 Line
[if v4002== 1|v4002==2] Approximately how long did you wait in line to vote?
<1> Not at all
<2> Less than 10 minutes
<3> 10 to 30 minutes
<4> 31 minutes to 60 minutes
<5> 60 minutes to 90 minutes (1 to 1 1/2 hours)
<6> 90 to 120 minutes (1 ½ to 2 hours)
<7> More than 2 hourse (please specify how long): [t] ________________________
v4008 Registration Problem
Was there a problem with your voter registration when you tried to vote?
<1> No
<2> Yes
v4008a [if v4008== 2] Were you allowed to vote?
<1> No, I was not allowed to vote
<2> I was allowed to voting using a provisional ballot
<3> I voted
[if v4002==4] How confident are you that your ballot was counted accurately in the 2008 election?
1_Very confident
2_Somewhat confident
3_Not too confident
4_Not at all confident
This is Paul Gronke posting for the Pew/JEHT Make Voting Work project. I'm wondering if we can start a conversation about how we might leverage our various groups to collect a wider array of information about election administration.
One place to start is to understand what is on the common content. I will have one of my RAs post up that information soon.
It would be nice to know who else is out there and is interested in this group.
Michael Alvarez
Did your student ever find the election administration relevant information in the common content?
It appears that there is no content yet proposed for the 2008 pre-election core that concerns election administration.
There is this item; I will post later a followup that I used in 2006.
##page voteintent
v3045 Do you intend to vote in the November election?
<1> No
<2> Not sure
<3> Yes
<4> I already voted, absentee or early
For the post:
V4001 Voter Registration
Are you registered to vote?
<1> Yes, I'm registered at [address we have for them]
<2> Yes, I'm registered at a different address: ______________
<3> No, I'm not registered and don't plan on registering.
<4> Not sure
v4003b [if v4002!=4] Second Reason for Not Voting
Was there any other reason you did not vote? [check one]
<1> I forgot
<2> I'm not interested
<3> Too Busy
<4> Did Not Like the Candidates
<5> I am not registered
<6> I did not have the correct form of identification
<7> Out of Town
<8> Sick or disabled
<9> Transportation
<10> Bad Weather
<11> The Line at the Polls was Too Long
<12> I tried to vote on Election Day but was not allowed to vote at the Polls
<13> I tried to get an absentee ballot, but was not permitted to vote.
<14> I did not know where to vote
<15> I did not feel that I knew enough about the choices
<16> Other
<55> Don't Know
v4004 Mode of Voting
[if v4002==4] Did you vote in person on Election Day at a precinct, in person before Election Day, or by mail (that is, absentee or vote by mail)?
<1> In person on election day (at polling booth or precinct)
<2> In person before election day (early)
<3> Voted by mail (or absentee)
<4> Don't Know
<5> I did not vote
v4005 When Vote
[if v4004 ==2|v4004==3] When did you vote early or mail in your ballot?
<1> On Election Day (Tuesday November 4).
<2> During the week before the election (Monday October 27 through Monday November 3)
<3> During the week of Monday October 20 through Sunday October 26.
<4> During the week of Monday October 13 through Sunday October 19.
<5> During the week of Monday October 6 through Sunday October 12.
<6> Before October 6.
<7> Other
v4006 Voter ID
[if v4002==1|v4002==2] Were you asked to show picture identification, such as a driver's license, at the polling place or election office when you voted this November?
<1> Yes
<2> No
v4006a [if v4007 == 1] Were you then allowed to vote?
<1> No, I was not allowed to vote
<2> I was allowed to voting using a provisional ballot
<3> I voted
v4007 Line
[if v4002== 1|v4002==2] Approximately how long did you wait in line to vote?
<1> Not at all
<2> Less than 10 minutes
<3> 10 to 30 minutes
<4> 31 minutes to 60 minutes
<5> 60 minutes to 90 minutes (1 to 1 1/2 hours)
<6> 90 to 120 minutes (1 ½ to 2 hours)
<7> More than 2 hourse (please specify how long): [t] ________________________
v4008 Registration Problem
Was there a problem with your voter registration when you tried to vote?
<1> No
<2> Yes
v4008a [if v4008== 2] Were you allowed to vote?
<1> No, I was not allowed to vote
<2> I was allowed to voting using a provisional ballot
<3> I voted
[if v4002==4] How confident are you that your ballot was counted accurately in the 2008 election?
1_Very confident
2_Somewhat confident
3_Not too confident
4_Not at all confident