Purpose of this Feedback page

Members of the Collaboratorium Community are welcome to provide feedback on the site through this page.

Feedback is currently grouped according to three categories:

  • Bug reports
  • New features wish list
  • Other

Feel free to add a new category if you believe one is needed.

Bug reports


New features wish list




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  1. Anonymous

    Good work , Josh. I really like the platform. I've been showing it around, and people seem impressed. They find it agreeable and useful.
    As I am filling some comments, I have come across the following interface navigation / communications issues and bugs. This is not an exhaustive usability report. Only the report of "findings along the way", that I thought it's best to send back to you.

    1 - Registration
    a) I suggest when the user starts to register, on the left side of the screen, the option to insert login would automatically dim. Preventing the user (in a hurry) to fill in the registration and the login information.
    b) When I register, or when I login into a website, I am used to see my name on the top left of the screen. It tells me I've successfully registered and makes me more aware of my actions.

    2- Visualization
    I would ask if a color-based geographical description of impacts could be an alternative to graphs. Of course, there's the time dimension. I would say that could be communicated using animations. I personally feel maps are more compelling than graphs as conveyors of information. But, my proposal is to use that as an alternative. I understand it's challenging programming.

    3- I spent too much time analyzing the model and was kicked off by the platform. However, I didn't receive a warning message nor a message saying I should register again. I only noticed when I tried to insert a comment.

    4- The next thing I don't understand is that how come apparently national/regional plans, can present impacts for regions which they do not address in the first place?

    The Actions pane for the IEA 450ppm isn't showing the action options.
    This problem was solved after logging in again.

    1. Hi Joana -

      Wow, thanks for the great feedback!!!  I've a few comments on each of your points -

      1 - Great thanks.  (a) is a great idea.

      2 - That's a really good idea too, but more complicated.  I think we'd like to include more / different visualizations as time goes on.  I'd love to hear you elaborate this a little further.  I could image a string of color blocks, with each block representing a value on a scale for each category of impact.  It that like what you have in mind?  Would hue indicate class of impact or some other semantic content (hue is tricky because of red / green color blindness).  Anyhow, if you're looking at these comments, let's talk a little more.

      3 - How long did you spend?  I don't think you should have been kicked off - there is, however, a good chance that I was working on the server and restarted it while you were working.  I'm still in test and fix mode.  I agreee it would be nice if there were some notification to users though when the server is going down for maintenance.  I will get something in there like that when I've time.

      4 - I thought all of our models were global?  Which one are you talking about ...? 

      RE: Bugs - thanks.  I think I've seen that one myself, and will be looking into it.



  2. Hi Josh,

    Great job on the site.

    I don't see a way to actually edit the wiki to add feedback.  One bug I just noticed is that on the debates, the "last post" is not updating to reflect new posts and comments.

    I agree with Joana, that there should be a better indicaiton on the website that we are logged in, such as putting our user name in the upper right hand corner.

    I believe we should have some sort of "form" to fill out that sends an email  (to moderators or to Rob or to whoever is tracking this) when someone in signing up to be a moderator. 

    I also think that the feedback wiki should have direct links to the site.

    When we start getting more sophisticated with the modeling, it would be great if people could enter specific emissions levels/year as one way to indicate how much developed, rapidly developing, and developing countries should emit.  I was attempting to fill out a model run based on the "wedges" concept, but wasn't entirely sure how to do it.  Also, since some of the studies have different baseline dates (Kyoto is 1990, Wedges is 2005, etc.), it might be useful to be able to go back in time on the start dates.  Of course, these are future requests.  :)

    Thanks! Kat

    1. Thanks Kat -

      As far as editing the wiki, the "edit" command may be available at the menu on the left hand side of the page (if your screen has the menu at the left hand side!).

      I've updated the login mechanism so that it now displays your username when logged in.  You will need to clear your cache to see the change (and you will see the change because I've moved the login area to the green bar at the top of the page).  Clearing your cache can be done in Safari from the "Safari" menu, and in firefox (3.5) from the "Tools->Clear Recent History" menu.  If you need help, please email me.  I'm looking for a solution so that your browser will always download the newest version, but haven't figured it out yet.

      The "last post" field is a known bug.  I'll get it taken care of.

      Regarding your other requests, duly noted, and we'll get to em asap!



  3. Anonymous

    we should turn down the heater down 2degrees inthe winter and up 2degrees whern it is hot outside and take 2 to 5 min. showers.

  4. Anonymous

    Platform was really, really easy to use and very intuitive - seems great for this kind of endeavor where most of the people are reading and voting, versus a hard core, everyone editing everything effort.  I am definitely interested in seeing the Liferay software once it is released - too many of the collaboration tools are tough to use for even technical users.  Great job.

    Content on the site looks very good, and the breakdown of the various segments of the informatin was well done also.  Great job.

    Feedback form was the strangest thing of the platform - I had registered for one account, but I was asked for something totally different - maybe part of a different system?