-->*2009.03.12 - Team Meeting

Present: Tylor, Becca, Chris, Christine, Kimi

Action Items:*\

  • Design Assignments 6, 7, and 8 (aim to have done by Monday)!
  • BY SATURDAY: Look at brainstorming ideas and GROUP them (for Pugh chart), and also criteria for Pugh chart
    • Read about MIOX filter *

** Teamwork Module à enough discussion for 1 page writeup

  • Brainstorm Recap / Questions for Victor Teamwork Learning Style Module
  • Kimi: 5 ref, 3 sen, 3 verb, 1 seq
  • Christine: 5 ref, 3 int, 3 vis, 3 glo
  • Chris: 5 act, 7 int, 5 ver, 1 glo
  • Becca: 1 ref, 1 sen, 5 vis, 1 seq
  • Tylor: 7 ref, 1 int, 3 vis, 3 glo
  • Reflective vs. Active learners:
    • We have mostly reflective learners (except Chris... ew)
    • Reflective people = like to think and digest
    • Active people = like to play
    • Tylor likes to learn by teaching
    • Tylor also thinks he has the solution more than he actually does... so don't get bulldozed.
    • Memorization?
      • Tylor memorizes things fast, but not long-term
      • Chris learns by seeing an equation used in different applications, doing it over and over
  • Sensing vs. Intuitive:
    • We have a mix, but Chris is an outlier again (HAHA... int)
    • Sensing = facts, well-established methods, dislike complications, patient w/ details
    • Intuitive = possibilities/relationships, like innovation, dislike repetition,
    • Chris thinks he's more sens than int...
  • Verbal vs. Visual:
    • Everyone is visual but Chris and Kimi, but everyone is close to middle again
  • Global vs. Sequential:
    • Everyone's really close to the middle again
    • Tylor prides himself on the ability to see big picture but do details too... bouncing back and forth is really important
    • Everyone does both in different situations (ex. math class vs. design class)
    • Engineering lends itself to both - ex. beam theory, but being able to apply it everywhere
    • ETRAPOLATION is super-important!  Learning to build a house, then being asked to build a boat
  • General comments:
    • MIT has screwed us up... L
    • Everyone is a little of everything, always
    • These things are good for dysfunctional groups, but not so much for us (hooray!  We rock. J)
    • Nobody here is very extreme - everyone is well-balanced
    • Engineering makes us tend towards the middle
      • Chris is the baby!  And he's the most extreme.  We will fix that. J Brainstorm Recap:* Tylor: "the brainstorming session expanded my design concept"... was very much wedded to the idea of a cheaper cylinder w/ spout... that is different now
    • Stepped back and looked at bare essentials ("we want to sanitize water")
  • Action items: Get feedback from Victor/Derek
  • Tylor:
    • Springs w/ platform à mechanically limits dispensing of Cl depending on weight of container
    • Kimi's summary: liquid, pre-mixed chlorine... similar to what's already out there but addresses variable dosing
    • New idea: storage thing could be put under the platform so it's shielded from light/heat...
      • Eliminates a lot of material: you just need 4 springs, bag/container, and a pump
    • Kimi: doesn't address the issue of incomplete dosing near the bottom
    • Disadvantage of this: pumps need to be "primed" (pumped a couple of times before it actually dispenses)
  • Christine:
    • Fixed volume type of dispenser à direct feedback weight and dosing
  • Chris:
    • Mostly covered by previous two (sorry!)
    • Level indicators (google this)
  • Becca:
    • In the end, have a CHEAP version, AND an INGELLIGENT version
    • Likes the idea of having it on the ground instead of on a stand, and having some sort of pump up
    • Adjusting for height of container: "telescoping" valve for adjustability, cranking, pin
    • Syringe dispensing (to address issue of seeing how much is coming out)
    • Taste is limiting factor... is there an additive to decrease bad taste?
  • Pugh Chart:
    • Variable dosing (auto-detecting of size) à springs vs. pressure column
    • Container
    • Height adjust
    • Kimi: the scope of our parameters are pretty small
    • You can break down into multiple Pugh charts (for example, one for dispensing, one for variable dosing, etc)
    • BE QUANTITATIVE à calculating k constants of springs?
    • Accurate vs. precise
    • ACTION ITEM: before next meeting, everyone should look at concepts and GROUP them (by Pugh chart category)
    • Focus on container (bucket or bag), delivery, measurement (look at it or weigh it?)
    • Baseline: chlorine dispenser as it is right now
  • What to do with low cost vs. cool extra features dilemma?
  • No labels