• Restaurants -
    Though you may chose to eat most of your meals in College (either in Hall or cooked by
    yourself), Cambridge is littered with restaurants of all types of cuisines and price ranges. You
    can find everything from McDonald's and Subway to fine-dining Turkish and Chinese
    restaurants. For a standard restaurant meal, you should plan on leaving a 10% tip.
    Another relatively cheap place to get a meal is a pub. There are more than 100 pubs in
    Cambridge, so you won't have any difficulty finding one. Though drinks are served all the time,
    food is typically only available in certain windows (comparable to the College dining hall).
    CME Favorites in the past include:
    Sandwich Shops: Sam Smiley's (on Trumpington St), Trockell Ullman & Freunde (on
    Pembroke Street), and Lunch Aid (on St. Andrew's St).
    Noodle Bars: Dojo's (on Mill Lane), Teri-Aki (on Magdalene Bridge) and Yippee Noodles (on
    King's street)
    Coffeeshops: Clown's (on King Street, open till midnight), King's College coffeeshop (near the
    entrance to the bar, very cheap)
    Pubs: Wetherspoon's (on Regent street by Emma, very cheap), The Eagle (on Pembroke Street)
    and The Anchor (on Silver Street)
    Miscellaneous: Nando's (on Regent street across from Emma's), The Cow (by the Corn
    Exchange, 2-for-1 on pizzas on Tuesday nights), Ask (on the corner of Bridge Street and St.
    John's, all takeaway pizzas are £5), The Curry Kitchen (tucked behind shops on Bridge Street).
  • Late-night -
    Because your College dining hall has limited hours and pubs stop serving food at a given time,
    your late-night food options in Cambridge are somewhat limited. In the center of the city in
    Market Square, there are two vans where you can get various fried foods, hamburgers, fries, and
    the like. Additionally, on Rose Tree Crescent you'll find Gardenia's (Gardie's) offering similar
    options. Restaurants will stay open late, but if you're looking to save time and money, you might
    have to cook for yourself. Recently the UK Government made 24 hr licenses available to pubs,
    so you may find a greater number of options than CME students of previous years.
  • Supermarkets -
    Sainsbury's, located across from Sidney Sussex College on Sidney St, is the only supermarket in
    the City Centre, so it is the most convenient place for most people to do their grocery shopping.
    But if you're looking for a bigger selection, larger quantities, lower prices, and you're willing to
    travel a bit, you can go to Tesco or Asda (owned by Walmart), two larger supermarkets. Both
    are located out past the Grafton Centre, which is northeast of the City Centre, down Gonville Pl
    (A603). Tesco is located on Newmarket Rd (A1134) and Asda is located off of Newmarket Rd
    on Coldham's Ln. If you have a cycle and are up for a small adventure, it'd really be worth
    looking into the larger "big box" stores out on Newmarket Road. Simply follow Jesus Lane out
    of town, past Jesus College, up to the first small roundabout. Then continue cycling straight
    through this roundabout until you get to a second, much larger roundabout, where you'll
    continue straight again. (There's a subway - a pedestrian underpass - if you're not up for
    braving the roundabout on your bike.) Soon, you'll find Tesco's, Asda, TK Max (the English
    equivalent of TJ Max), Homebase, and several other large stores offering a greater selection and
    much cheaper prices than any stores you'll find in town. This is all about a 5-10 minute cycle
    past Jesus CollegeAlso, if you order £50 or more, Tesco will deliver your groceries to your door,
    free of charge. If you're looking for more exotic foods, there are a couple of foreign food
    markets on Mill Road, or Nazleen Dar (an Indian grocery store) on Victoria road for those in hill
    colleges (New Hall, Fitzwilliam, and Churchill).
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