The Cambridge Academic year is divided into three eight-week terms (Michaelmas, Lent,
Easter) with a five-week break in between each term. Lectures are within Full Term, which is
shorter than a regular term at MIT. For the start and end date of each term, see:

University of Cambridge Term Dates for the 2005-2006 Academic Year
Full Michaelmas Term - begins Tuesday October 4th, ends Friday December 2rd
Full Lent Term - begins Tuesday January 17th, ends Friday March 17th
Full Easter Term - begins Tuesday April 25th, ends Friday June 16th

The week after the final week of Full Easter Term is known as "May Week." This is a very
popular week among Cambridge students as it full of celebrations, parties, festivities, and May
Balls. As such, it is advisable to book your flight home for a week after the last day of Full
Easter Term. (More advice: If you're going to go to May Ball, buy tickets early; they will
probably sell out.)

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