Download, install and configure your Maven settings.xml

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Download and Install your Maven settings.xml

  • Download the settings.xml by right clicking on this link then select Save target as....  Navigate to your ${user.home}/.m2 directory and click Save.

Configure your Maven settings.xml for Tomcat

If you forgot either the Tomcat manager-script username and/or password, you can find the username and password in the ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/tomcat-users.xml file.

  1. Open ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml with a text editor.
  2. In the settings.xml file, find:
    and replace script with the username for the Tomcat manager-script user that you configured when you installed Tomcat.
  3. In the settings.xml file, find:
    and replace XXXXXXXX with the password for the Tomcat manager-script user that you configured when you installed Tomcat.
  4. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, save your changes.

Configure your Maven settings.xml for Oracle OC4J

  1. Open ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml with a text editor.
  2. In the settings.xml file, find:
    and replace path/to/oc4j with the path to j2ee/home directory of your installed OC4J standalone server.
  3. In the settings.xml file, find:
    and replace XXXXXXXX with the password for the oc4jadmin that you configured when you installed the OC4J standalone server.
  4. If you changed the default OC4J administrator name when you installed the OC4J standalone server, find
    and replace oc4jadmin with your new OC4J administrator user name.
  5. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, save your changes.
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