Moves - Features at a Glance
A quick summary of the features offered provided Moves.
- Moves is a build and deployment tools. It creates and manages versioned software artifacts (mostly but not exclusively Java web applications packaged as "war" files), and deploys these artifacts to Test, QA, and Production servers - environments where a fixed, stable version of an application is required.
- Moves does not do continuous integration, nor does it deploy to Development servers. Moves comes into play once it is decided to cut a formal release of an application.
- Manages repository of released artifacts - this repository is IS&T's Maven (
- Automates management of application version numbers. Version numbers are automatically incremented by the build process and are used to tag built artifacts in the Maven repository as well as source code in SVN. This gives the abillity to reilably match up a source code snapshot with a deployed version of an application.
- Can create a branch of code from a previously released version. This is typically used for bug fixes in a version that has been deployed to Production.
- Maintains a history of builds, branches, and deployments.
- Enforces a workflow around the process of building releases and deploying to servers.