Personal digital conversations session, discussion notes

Flickr issues

  • Integrate with Blackboard
  • Validity of images?
  • Bandwidth issues - what happens when many users upload lots of stuff?

Back to the Emerging Technologies May 2006 main page

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  1. Anonymous

    Since the meeting, I've tried Bloglines a couple of times. I don't care for it and am trying to figure out why. Maybe uneasy with change? We all run into that. Actually I think it's my preference for email notices. Partially because I don't have to run another program to go looking for headlines. I'm in mail all day; jumping out is a hassle. Also, my email from Washington Post, for example, is very compact. I can scan it quickly. Bloglines needs a lot of room to display a few headlines and then I need to scroll a lot. I also didn't have to go find an RSS feed and add it. I don't know ... these are sort of random thoughts rather than gospel. Brien Muller

  2. Anonymous

    I concur. But I think I just have not spent enough time....nor do I have it really with a 5/5 faculty course load. I really don't think very many community college faculty will use blogs/blogs without the time being built into course prep. I have however used technorati to search blogs and find it better than google. I also see some potential value for classroom application in the digital story telling web site. Flicker has some real public/privacy issues for me as seen recently by the Diana Blaine blog spot controversy...and then where exactly does academic freedom and the AAUP rules guide us.
    Anne Wiley