(This is the "official" document of what the theater groups have agreed to in regards to Walker Set Shop. More informal things might take precedent, so don't take yourself too seriously)
ASA Shared Space Agreement
0. Background: The purpose of this agreement is to support a successful sharing arrangement and to
give the groups and ASA Board a starting point if a need arises for arbitration about the sharing of the
space. All agreements and amendments require the approval of the ASA Board. If groups cannot reach
a consensus about a provision, then the decision will be made by the ASA Board.
1. Groups involved: Musical Theatre Guild
Gilbert and Sullivan Players
Shakespeare Ensemble
3. Split of physical space:
a) Which spaces or how much space will be allocated to single group?
Musical Theatre Guild – 2 cabinets, red tool chest and black tool chest
Gilbert and Sullivan Players – 2 cabinets, two yellow chests
Shakespeare Ensemble – 1 cabinet/shelving unit, a tool chest to be added
b) Which spaces can be used by all occupants?
All working space, dexion cage, atrium
a) Are there times when the space can only be used by one group?
Musical Theatre Guild – Saturdays 2-7 PM
Gilbert and Sullivan Players – Sundays 2-7 PM
Shakespeare Ensemble – Saturdays and Sundays 10 AM – 2 PM
b) Other restrictions about the timing and usage of space?
Adjustments can be made on a case-by-case basis, including using the space at the same time during
one of these scheduled blocks. Any usage which overlaps with another group’s scheduled time must be
a) For W20 spaces—will card access, combos, or both be used?
b) How many or which type of people from each group can have card access to the space?
c) Are there steps between occupants that need to be taken before new people are given access?
6. Security and safety provisions:
Standard safety procedures must be followed when using all tools. Emergency exit paths should be left
clear. Set shop should be left clean after each build, put-in, and strike. If this is not maintained, all three
groups will be contacted and the group responsible will be required to correct the mess within 1 week.
If responsibility cannot be determined, all three groups will work together to clean the space. Valuable
tools can be stored in locking cabinets allocated to each group.
7. Communication and amending agreement:
If there are concerns about the provisions in this agreement not being met by an occupant, officers
of the affected groups should discuss the matter. If that is insufficient to resolve the matter, then
ASA Exec should be contacted.
If a group has a temporary need for increase space or time usage of the space, they should contact
the officers of the other group(s) advance.
If a group wishes to change the provisions in this agreement, then they should contact the officers
of the other group(s). If the groups agree on an update agreement a new copy should be emailed to
ASA Exec. If the groups cannot reach a consensus on changes on their own, then ASA Exec should
If any group wishes to make any significant changes (drilling into walls, changing electrical setup,
installing large furniture, etc.), then ASA Exec and CAC need to be contacted for approval.
Non-screw hardware which is purchased by one group will remain the property of that group.
Permission must be received before it can be used/moved by another group.
Most recent date approved: 05/16/14
Representatives from groups approving: Samantha Lewis – Musical Theatre Guild President, Rebecca
Graber – MIT Gilbert & Sullivan Players, Shante Stowell- Shakespeare Ensemble Treasurer