


Reading Exercises

Reading Lesson - Good Employees, Good Jobs - A reading sample about employment

Reading Lesson - Calling in Sick - A reading sample about calling in sick

ESL Reading Worksheets - Print and Go - Reading worksheets from http://www.elcivics.com

Reading Lesson - Historic Letters Get Responses - A reading sample about historic letters

Paul Revere's Ride - An article about Paul Revere's famous ride

The Making of the Constitution - U.S Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments, James Madison, George Washington and Martha Washington

Reading Resources

Breaking News English: Easy English World News Materials

The Times in Plain English

Reading Material - Free Books - A website sharing free e-books

Reading Material - Free E-Books - Another source for free e-books

ESL Fast - Reading resources for learners at different levels

English online - Articles cataloged by topic

Simple English Wikipedia - over 150,000 articles in simple English.

Famouspeople.com - follow simple stories of famous people while listening to mp3 of the text

This Is America - 100+ mini-novels for English learners to learn about American life (rong-chang)

Curated list of reading resources from rong-chang.com - short stories, award-winning essays, free e-books, jokes, history and culture, etc.

StoryNory - Short stories with audio recordings (original, fairy tales, classic, myths, world, educational, poems, and nursery rhymes)

Storybooks for Learners of English - Short to medium length online storybooks with audio read-along, especially helpful when teaching ESOL beginners.


Newspapers from Around the World

The Times in Plain English

Tibetan - Phayul online newspaper

Portuguese - The Portugal News

Haitian - The Haitian Times

Brazilian - Rio Times Online

China - South China Morning Post

China-The Strait Times Interactive

Breaking News English

The International Scholar's Newsletter - Note: from MIT's International Scholar's Office You need certificates to access some content

Mexico News Daily - Mexican newspaper in English


Recipes and Food

A World of Food - Read about traditional food markets, global foods, favorite food stories, outdoor cafes and restaurants, class cooking projects, and more



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