Fields being cataloged for Edgerton 35mm slides and films at MIT Museum:

Object Authority (information about physical artifact)

Object number: sequential number with HEE-SC prefix (eg "HEE-SC-00001") for slides and HEE-FV prefix for films and videos
Major Collection: MIT Museum collection (all "Science & Technology")
Collection name: all "Harold E. Edgerton Collection"
Type of object: all "color slide" (term used by Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus) for slides and "media" for films
Title: brief caption by cataloger for slides or title of film for films
Maker: eg "Edgerton, Harold E.". Repeatable field, allows for specification of relationship.
Place Made: if known
Date Made: YYYY-MM-DD if known; repeatable field allows for "date printed", "date taken," etc.
Materials: eg "35mm photographic film", "cardboard sleeve", "plastic sleeve"
Measurements: eg "2" x 2"" for slides, "300 feet" for films
Total Runtine: runtime of film in seconds or minutes
Media Materials: eg "Kodachrome", "Ektachrome"
Photo/media format: eg "BetaSP", "1/2" reel-to-reel"
Note: Conservator's notes for films.
Color/B&W: self-explanatory flag
Sound: eg "optical," "magnetic," "separate track"
Description: free-text description by cataloger
Production Phase: film generation eg "camera original," "film print"
Site: archaeological site name, ancient or modern; links to Sites Authority
Project location: location of site, modern name; links to Sites Authority
Inscriptions: Child table; repeatable fields for type of inscription (eg "blue handwritten ink", "black stamp"), inscription ("HE-93", "Marseille", "Jul. 1955"), location ("obverse top", "reverse left"), inscriber
MIT Location: building and room number
Location Level 1: shelf, box, binder, page position
Location Date
Linked Objects: repeatable field, links to other Object Authority records
Linked People: repeatable field, links to People Authority records for people with any relationship to object (eg "appears in photo", "took photo", "describes photo in book")
Linked Vessels: repeatable field, links to Vessel Authority records for vessels from MIT Museum listing with relationship to object
Linked Subjects: repeatable field, links to subjects from MIT Museum subject file

Media Authority (information about digital surrogate)

Media ID: digital filename
Locator: path to digital file
Larger File: links hierarchy of surrogates (eg thumbnail, low-res medium size, full size)
Record Type: "Audio", "Video", "Image," "Document" flag controls helper application used to launch media
Digital Format: tif, jpg, avi, etc
Original Image Size: eg 8" x 10", 2" x 2"
Original Format: eg color slide
Description: free-text internal description
Caption: Shorter free-text description which displays online when record is published
Date of Original: when known
Resolution: in dpi for images
Linked Objects/People/Vessels/Subjects: as above

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