The following sections describe the sequence of steps required for reducing FIRE data from scratch. 

Data Preparation and Launching FIREHOSE

Initial Setup

Locating the Order Boundaries

Generating Flat Fields

Generating the FIRE Structure

Arc Solutions and Object Extraction

Telluric Correction / Flux Calibration

Combining Orders and Exposures to 1D

Special Topics

Accessing 2D sky subtracted/Wavelength calibrated images

Using "Blank Sky" fields for Sky Subtraction on Extended Objects"


  • No labels


  1. Regarding the format of the output file, the wavelength solution is in a logarithmic format, so it is not true that "any program can inspect the output".  To convert to linear wavelength scale, I use the following short bit of IDL code (file is the Objname_F.fits file):

    flx = readfits(file,hd)
    wave = 10.^(findgen(n_elements(flx))*sxpar(hd,'cdelt1')+sxpar(hd,'crval1'))

    Perhaps we can have alternate outputs to provide columns of wavelength, flux and error in one file?

  2. Unknown User (

    I need to combine data from separate nights and separate runs. When the structure function was generated it assigned the same ORDERFILE,and flat files to all of the data. The edit structfunction does not give access to these variables. Also, these files are stored with their full path so moving the data to a new machine for reduction breaks the structure function. I noticed these are all stored formatted as fixed length strings. If I edit these (with a fits table editor) to include files with names of differing length will that break the structure function?