h2. This is an example of created an indented list. * Item number 1 * Item number 2 *# Sub-Item 1 *# Sub-Item 2 - Item 3 with a dash ** Sub-Item with something else h2. This is an example of created an indented list. (Using 'quote' and bq WikiML) bq. Item number 1 bq. Item number 2 {quote} bq. Sub-Item 1 bq. Sub-Item 2 {quote} bq. Item 3 with a dash {quote} bq. Sub-Item with something else {quote} h2. This is an example of created an indented list. {section} {column:width=5%} {column} {column:width=95%} Item number 1 Item number 2 bq. Sub-Item 1 bq. Sub-Item 2 {column} {section} {section} {column:width=5%} {column} {column:width=95%} Item 3 with a dash bq. Sub-Item with something else {column} {section}