The following is a list of resources that have been recommended by various IPIDAT participants. Feel free to add to the list, or add comments.
Abarca, J. et al. 2000 Introductory engineering design: a projects-based approach. Boulder, CO; College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado at Boulder
Adas, M. 1990 Machines as the measure of men: science, technology, and ideologies of Western dominance. Ithaca, NY; Cornell University Press
Agarwal, B. 1985 Cold hearths and barren slopes: the woodfuel crisis in the third world. London; Third World Books
Agarwal, B. 1988 Structures of patriarchy: state, community, and household in modernising Asia. London; Zed Books
Agunga, R. 1999a A development aid in historical perspective. In? (ed.) Developing the Third World: a communication approach. Commack, NY; Nova Science Publishers: 111-136
Agunga, R. 1999b Problems of Third World development. In? (ed.) Developing the Third World: a communication approach. Commack, New York; Nova Science Publishers: 57-86
Albee, A. and N. Gamage 1996 Our money and movement: building a poor people's credit union. London; Intermediate Technology Publications, Ltd
Allen, H. 1991 The Kenya Ceramic Jiko. Intermediate Technology Publications, Ltd
Allenby, B. 1998 Earth systems engineering: the role of industrial ecology in an engineered world. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2(3): 73-93
Allenby, B. 1999 Industrial ecology: policy framework and implementation. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Prentice Hall
Allenby, B. 2000 Earth systems engineering and management. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, winter 2000/20001, 19(4): 10-23
Allenby, B. and T. E. Graedel 1995 Industrial ecology. NJ; Prentice Hall
Alsema, E. A. 2000 Energy pay-back time and CO2 emissions of PV systems. Progress in Photovoltaics, 8: 17-25
Alward, R. and T. Lewand 1980 Condensing a solution: community solar engineering, Haiti. In R. J. Mitchell (ed.) Experiences in Appropriate Technology. Ottawa; The Canadian Hunger Foundation: 73-78
Amadei, B. 2003 Program in engineering for developing communities - viewing the developing world as the classroom of the 21st century. 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Nov 5-8, 2003
American-Association-of-Engineering-Societies 1994 The role of engineering in sustainable development. Washington DC;
Anderson, R. C. 1998 Mid-course correction. Atlanta; The Peregrinzilla Press
Arata, E. 1979 Papua New Guinea: micro-hydroelectric projects for rural development. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: discussion and case studies. Boulder; Westview Press: 397-410
Baer, P. et al. 2000 Climate-change - equity and greenhouse gas responsibility. Science, 289: 2287
Balakrishnan, L. 2000 Renewable energy as income generation for women. Renewable Energy, 19: 319-324
Banuri, T. and E. Spanger-Siegfried 2000 Equity and clean development mechanism. Tellus Institute (Stockholm Environmental Institute)
Bartlett, A. A. 1998 Reflections on sustainability, population growth and environment. Renewable Resources Journal, 15(4): 6-22
Beaumont, P. The qanat: a means of water provision from groundwater sources. In P. Beaumont, M. Bonine and K. McLachlan (eds.) Qanat, kariz and khattara: traditional water systems in the Middle East and North Africa. Cambridgeshire; Middle East and North African Studies Press, Ltd
Benyus, J. M. 1997 Biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature. New York; Quill, William Morrow
Berhan, M. T. 2000 Basic development and decision processes: technical and economic analyses. African Technology Forum.
Berry, T. 1988 The Dream of the Earth. San Francisco; Sierra Club Books
Black, R. P. et al. 1979 Malaysia: small-scale brick manufacturing. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: a discussion and case histories. Boulder; Westview Press: 102-116
Boserup, E. 1970 Women's role in economic development. London; Earthscan
Bourke, M. R. et al. Innovative wastewater treatment in the developing world. Civil Engineering Practice, 17(1): 25-34
Briggs, J. and F. D. Peat 1999 Seven life lessons of chaos. Harper Perennial
Bright, C. et al. 2003 State of the world 2003. New York; W.W. Norton & Company
Brikke, F. et al. 1997 Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance for low-cost water supply and sanitation. Operation and Maintenance Working Group of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, World Health Organization
Brown, L. et al. 2001 Eco-economy. New York; W.W. Norton & Company
Browne, N. L. and J. Howe Solar energy for village development. Science, 199: 651-657
Bugliarello, G. 1999 Megacities and the developing world. The Bridge, 29(4): 19-26
Bugliarello, G. 2000 Biosoma: the synthesis of biology, machines and society. Bulletin on Science, Technology and Society, 20(6): 454-464
Cabral, A. et al. 2000 Accelerating sustainable PV market development. Washington, DC; The World Bank
Cairncross, S. et al. 1980 Evaluation for village water supply planning. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Caldera, E. 1991 Mexico's experience in wind technology development. In Advanced technology assessment system no. 6: energy systems, environment and development. New York; United Nations: 200-206
Carney, J. and M. Watts 1990 Manufacturing dissent - work, gender and the politics of meaning in a peasant society. Africa, 60: 207-241
Carr, M. 1985 The AT reader: theory and practice in appropriate technology. London; Intermediate Technology Publications
Carrere, R. and L. Lohmann 1996 Pulping the south: industrial tree plantations and the world paper economy. London; Zed Books
Caughman, S. and M. N. Thiam 1980 Women finding suitable assistance: soapmaking in Mali. In R. J. Mitchell (ed.) Experiences in appropriate technology. Ottawa; The Canadian Hunger Foundation: 65-72
Cohen, J. E. 1995 How many people can the earth support? New York; Norton & Company
Colwell, R. et al. January 14, 2003 Reduction of cholera in Bangladeshi villages by simple filtration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Cotton, A. P. et al. 1998 Community initiatives in urban infrastructure. Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University, UK
Crewe, E. 1997 The silent traditions of developing cooks. In R. D. Grillo and R. L. Stirrat (eds.) Discourses of development: anthropological perspectives. Oxford; Berg
Crites, R. and G. Tchobanoglous 1998 Small and decentralized wastewater management systems. McGraw-Hill
Dahi, E. (ed.) 1997 Environmental engineering in developing countries. Copenhagen; Environmental Development Corporation.
Daily, G. C. 1997 Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems. Island Press
Dasgupta, P. 1995 Population, poverty and environment. Scientific American, February 1995: 40-45
DeBoer, A. J. 1989 Sustainable approaches to hillside agricultural development. In H. J. Leonard (ed.) Environment and the poor: development strategies for a common agenda. New Brunswick, NJ; Transaction Books: 135-164
DeGraaf, J. et al. 2002 Affluenza. San Francisco; Berrett-Koehler Publishers
DeSimone, L. and E. Popoff 1997 Eco-efficiency. Cambridge, MA; The MIT Press
Dorner, D. 1996 The logic of failure. Reading, MA; Perseus Books
Dunn, P. D. 1977 Energy in rural areas: an intermediate technology approach. In Congdon (ed.) Introduction to appropriate technology. Emmaus, PA; Rodale Press: 63-79
Dunn, S. 2000 Micropower - the next revolution. WorldWatch paper no. 151. Washington, DC; WorldWatch institute
Edwards, S. S. 1979a Central America: fungal fermentation of coffee waste. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: a discussion and case histories. Boulder; Westview Press: 329-342
Edwards, S. S. 1979b Central America: the Lorena Cookstove. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: a discussion and case histories. Boulder; Westview Press: 181-194
Elkington, J. 1998 Cannibals with forks. New Society Publishers
Evans, D. D. 1979 Appropriate technology and its role in development. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: a discussion and case histories. Boulder; Westview Press: 3-72
Fairhead, J. and M. Leach 1996 Misreading the African landscape: society and ecology in a forest-savanna mosaic. Cambridge, UK; Cambridge University Press
Fairhead, J. and M. Leach 1997 Web of power and the construction of environmental policy problems: forest loss in Guinea. In R. D. Grillo and R. L. Stirrat (eds.) Discourses of development: anthropological perspectives. Oxford; Berg
Farhar, B. 1998 Gender and renewable energy: policy, analysis and market implications. Renewable Energy, 15: 230-239
Frankel, C. 1998 In Earth's company. Stony Creek; New Society Publishers
Fraser, C. and S. Restrepo-Estrada 1998a Of condoms and cabbages: communication for population and family planning. In Communicating for development: human change for survival. London; I.B Taurus & Co.: 162-189
Fraser, C. and S. Restrepo-Estrada 1998b A process without precedent: societies mobilised for immunization. In Communicating for development: human change for survival. London; I.B. Taurus & Co.: 162-189
Fthenakis, V. M. and P. D. Moskowitz 2000 Photovoltaics: environmental, health and safety issues and perspectives. Progress in Photovoltaics, 8: 27-38
Gamser, M. and H. Appleton 1995 Tinker, tiller, technical change: people's technology and innovation off the farm. In D. M. Warne, J. L. Slikkerveer and D. Brokensha (eds.) The cultural dimension of development: indigenous knowledge systems. London; Intermediate Technology Publications
Gleick, P. H. 1998 The world's water 1998-1999. Washington; Island Press
Gleick, P. H. 2000 The world's water 2000-2001. Washington; Island Press
Global-Environmental-Facility 2000 Making a difference in emerging PV markets: strategies to promote photovoltaic energy generation review and outlook. Conference on emerging clean energy markets, 25-28 September 2000, Marrakech, Morocco
Goldemberg, J. 1997 Leapfrogging strategies for developing countries. In Y. Kaya and K. Yokobori (eds.) Environment, energy and economy: strategies for sustainability. New York; United Nations University Press: 333-347
Goldemberg, J. et al. 1980 Basic needs and much more with one kilowatt per capita. Ambio, 14(4-5): 190-200
Goulet, D. 1989 The uncertain promise: value conflicts in technology transfer. New York; New Horizons Press & Apex
Grint, K. and R. Gill 1995 The gender-technology relation: contemporary theory and research. London; Taylor & Fran
Grint, K. and S. Woolgar 1995 On some failures of nerve in constructivist and feminist analyses of technology. In K.
Grint and R. Gill (eds.) The gender-technology relation: contemporary theory and research. London; Taylor & Francis
Gupta, V. K. C. 2000 New interdisciplinary initiative combines water, earth and biota. AGU (EOS), 81(42): 484
Hall, S. S. 1999 Science triumphs, market fails. Technology Review, January/February: 78
Hammer, M. 1994 Why projects fail. Ceres, 26(1): 32-35
Harris, J. M. (ed.) 2000 Rethinking sustainability: power, knowledge, and institutions (evolving values for a capitalist world). University of Michigan Press.
Hawken, P. 1994 The ecology of commerce: a declaration of sustainability. Harper
Hawken, P. et al. 1999 Natural capitalism. Boston; Little, Brown and Company
Hazeltine, B. and C. Bull (eds.) 1999 Appropriate technology: tools, choices and implications. San Diego; Academic Press.
Head, B. 1969 & 1996 When rain clouds gather. London; Heinemann
Heidenreich, A. 1993 Technology transfer: does it work? In D. Walubengo and M. Kimani (eds.) The development and dissemination of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in sub-Saharan Africa. Nairobi; KENGO
Hemstock, S. L. and D. O. Hall 1997 A biomass energy flow chart for Zimbabwe: an example of methodology. Solar Energy, 59: 49-57
Hill, S. 1986 Eighteen cases of technology transfer to Asia/Pacific Region countries. Science and Public Policy, 13
Hill, S. 1990 The tragedy of technology: human liberation versus domination in the late twentieth century. London; Pluto Press
Hirschman, A. O. 1967 Development projects observed. Washington, DC; The Brookings Institution
Hoy, P. 1998 Players and issues in international aid. West Hartford, CT; Kumarian Press
INSTRAW 1991 Women, water and sanitation. In S. Sontheimer (ed.) Women and the environment: a reader. New York; Motherly Review Press
Intermediate-Technology-Development-Group ITDG homepage: practical answers to poverty.
Jordan, T. D. 1984 A handbook of gravity-flow water systems for small communities. London; Intermediate Technology Publications
Kammen, D. and Dove 1997 The virtues of mundane science. Environment, 39(6): 11-15, 38-40
Kaplinsky, R. 1990 Technology transfer, adaptation and generation: a framework for evaluation. In M. Chatterji (ed.) Technology transfer in the developing countries; St Martin's Press
Kartha, S. A biomass energy primer. Boston, MA; Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston
Kates, R. W. et al. 2001 Sustainability science. Science, 292: 641-642
Kats, G. 1992 Achieving sustainability in energy use in developing countries. In J. Holmberg (ed.) Making development sustainable: redefining institutions, policy and economics. Washington; Island Press: 258-288
Kaufman, S. 2000 Rural electrification with solar energy as a climate protection strategy, REPP report no. 9. Washington, DC; Renewable Energy Policy Project
Kerr, C. 1989 Community water development. London; Intermediate Technology Publications
Kilmer, G. D. and D. L. Sussman 1979 Ghana: small-scale sugar processing. In D. D. Evans and L. Nogg Adler (eds.) Appropriate technology for development: a discussion and case studies. Boulder; Westview Press: 291-306
Kiuchi, T. and W. Shireman 2002 What we learned in the rainforest. San Francisco; Berrett-Koehler
Kojima, M. and M. Lovei 2001 Urban air quality management: coordinating transport, environment and energy policies in developing countries. Washington; World Bank
Lambton, A. K. S. The origin, diffusion and functioning of the Qanat. In P. Beaumont, M. Bonine and K. McLachlan (eds.) Qanat, kariz and khattara: traditional water systems in the Middle East and North Africa. Cambridgeshire; Middle East and North African Studies Press, Ltd
Leopold, A. 1968 A Sand County almanac. London; Oxford University Press
Lovelock, J. 1991 Gaia - the practical science of planetary medicine. Gaia books limited
Lovins, A. et al. 1999 A road map for natural capitalism. Harvard Business Review, May-June: 145-158
Lutzenhiser, L. 1993 Social and behavioral aspects of energy use. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 18: 247-289
Manaham, S. E. 1999 Industrial ecology: environmental chemistry and hazardous waste. Boca Raton; Lewis Publishers
Mann, C. July-August 1999 Biotech goes wild. Technology Review, 102(4): 36-43
Marsden, K. 1984 Progressive technologies for developing countries. In P. K. Ghosh (ed.) Technology policy and development: a Third World perspective. Westport, Ct.; Greenwood Press: 292-324
Martinot, E. 2000 Renewable energy markets and the global environment facility. Financial Times - Renewable Energy Report, 12: 18-22
Martinot, E. et al. 2000 The GEF solar PV portfolio: emerging experience and lessons. Monitoring and evaluating working paper no. 2. Washington, DC; World Bank
McCann, M. 1996 Hazards in cottage industries in developing countries. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 30: 125-129
McCully, P. 1996 Silenced rivers: the ecology and politics of large dams. London; Zed Books
McDonough, W. and M. Braungart 1998 The NEXT industrial revolution. The Atlantic Monthly, October
McDonough, W. and M. Braungart 2002 Cradle to cradle. New York; North Point Press
McIntyre, J. R. and D. S. Papp 1986 The political economy of international technology transfer. New York; Quorum Books
McKibben, W. 1997 Hope, human and wild. Ruminator Books
McKibben, W. 1999 The end of nature. Anchor
McPhee, J. 1989 The control of nature. New York; Farrar, Strauss and Giruox
Meadows, D. H. 1997 Places to intervene in a system (in increasing order of effectiveness). Whole Earth: 78
Meadows, D. H. et al. 1992 Beyond the limits. White River Junction; Chelsea Green Publishing
Milbrath, L. W. 1989 Envisioning a sustainable society: learning our way out. Albany; State University of New York Press
Miller, D. and C. Hope 2000 Learning to lend for off-grid solar power: policy lessons from World Bank loans to India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Energy Policy, 28: 87-105
National-Research-Council 1998 The ecology of industry. Washington, DC; National Academy of Engineering
National-Research-Council 1999 Our common journey: a transition towards sustainability. Washington, DC; National Academy of Engineering
Natrass, B. and M. Altomare 1999 The natural step for business. New Society Publishers
Newman, P. and J. Kenworthy 1999 Sustainability and cities, overcoming automobile dependence. Washington, DC; Island Press
Nuttle, W. K. 1999 Ecosystem restoration: a challenge for unified hydrologic science. EOS, 80(40): 469
O'Meara, M. 1999 Reinventing cities for people and the planet. WorldWatch paper no. 147. WorldWatch Institute
Palmer-Jones, R. and C. Jackson 1997 Work intensity, gender and sustainable development. Food Policy, 22(39-62)
Parikh, J. 1995 Gender issues in energy policy. Energy Policy, 23: 745-754
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Pickford, J. 1995 Low-cost sanitation: a survey of practical experience. London; Intermediate Technology Publications
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Rich, B. 1994 Mortgaging the Earth: the World Bank, environmental impoverishment, and the crisis of development. Boston; Beacon Press
Rich, B. 2000 Still waiting: the failure of reform at the world bank. The Ecologist, 30(6)
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Rodda, A. 1991 Women and the environment. London; Zed Books
Rogers, E. M. 1962 & 1995 Diffusion of innovations. New York; Free Press
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