These are the notes from Dave Tanner that I used to build a web service using AXIS.
Netbeans needs two tomcat installations
- The bundled tomcat
- A 2nd server
Use jdk 1.6
- Use tools server manager configured 2nd server
- port
- shared memory id
To create a new service
web application
(not a new webserivce or it ties everything to sun's server)
Creates all the directories and an index.jsp
Go into properties and change to java 1.6
under sourcepackages
write java code with public
data objects that must implement
How to set up AXIS
boiler plate changes
set up the AXIS container (servlets) to deliver the service
only added in login config client certs and session-config session timeout
(2) Tell AXIS how to deploy the service
Create a mapws-deploy.wsdd (deployment descriptor)
and an undeploy
(3) Build.xml (don't touch build-impl.xml)
Boiler plate
just change (put in service name and service name space)