This page is the working notebook of the process required to generate this study with 2006 data.

The plan is to repeat for the third time the raw SAP data dump of detailed transaction reports for the institute.
Also to try to link warehouse data to the DTRs using some common field.  We had skipped the warehouse before as their data omitted the long-text detail of what the transaction was for, which is sometimes necessary to identify faculty purchases of equpment on credit cards, and so on.

Software Required

  1. SAP
  2. BrioQuery
  3. Excel

Key Deliverables

Due Date: February 28 is the IT-SPARCC presentation.
27th of February is our drop-dead date.

  • slide stack, changed a bit from 2005.  -- ANGIE will do this.
  • THREE YEARS of changes, turning the pie chart into a bar graph.
  • Angie has started the new slide stack and Diana has a placeholder for it on sparkler.

Departmental view of all spending, for the Relationship Managers.

  • Keep the IT shops data disaggregated at low enough level to match the ITshops to DLC.

Timeline constraints

  • design the Brio IT Shops query on Feb 5.
  • know by Feb 12 whether we can do the IT shops that way, and if not, do it by hand.
  • be done with the data aggregation by Feb 22.  Slides are generated by Feb 23.

Priority Work for Feb 1 to Feb 5

Chart of Accounts

  1. Pull out the new Chart of Accounts -- ROB
  2. Compare its Cost Objects to the ones from the old IT Shops list, and mark the ones that repeat this year.
  3. Mark the ones that are known NOT to be IT Shops based on last year.
  4. Examine the ones that are truly new and see if any seem to be IT Shops.

Siide Deck

  1. Update the charts in the slide deck to hold three years of data.    ANGIE

Major Work Breakdown Structure

Data Warehouse Help?

  1. Can they help find the list of IT Shop cost centers?
  2. Can we use the DW and Brio to pull out the IT Shop a new "CEMIT" that is equal to what we're looking for. Can we get a report format out of Brio that just groups the cost centers from the selected profit centers and cost objects. 
  3. Even if we use the old variants to get the new results for the same organizational units, then Angie still has to do a lot of hand-work to move all the GLs around. 
  4. BOOK A MEETING WITH MAIJA -- Feb 5th at 20 am in W92. 

IT Shops 

  • pull the new chart of accounts, excluding WBS elements.  Other details of an account were:
    • not Term Code 3 are IN
    • if Term Code 3, then closed during the fiscal year, not before.
  • need to revive the OLD list of IT Shop profit centers and cost objects, to see if they are still active and so on. 
  • need to review the list of NEW cost centers to find addtitional IT Shops.
  • need to find a more powerful way to use Brio to automate the sifting and aggregation of costs.


  • Need to tease apart the Kelley Connors sheet to total SWEB by Department (using the HR hierarchy) and match that to DLC in the PC Hierarchy. 
  • Store that data in a way that can be pivoted into the Excel tool same as the Software, Equipment, and other categories.

Software / Equipment / Contracts / Telecomm

  • download the DTR transactions for all major profit centers, for all the categories.  See the Profit Centers child page.
  • rule out non-IT spending in Equipment ; by Brio of possible.
  • rule out non-IT spending in Contracts ; by Brio if possible.

Project Mechanics

  • Sparkler1 needs a copy for 2006 of the 2005 folder layout and supporting spreadsheets.
  • Move the downloaded DTR data over, etc.
  • Move the HR data over to it.
  • No labels