
In FY2006, IS&T Leadership set a goal to develop more focus on using measures to inform and influence decision-making within IS&T. Brian McDonald convened the effort on behalf of Jerry Grochow, and involved IS&T staff members Rob Smyser and Joanne Hallisey to represent CSS and OIS respectively.

Recent Progress

  1. Definition of ISTMeasuresArchitecture
  2. Description of business process and technical architectureto support distributed measures aggregation and centralized publishing. MeasuresBusinessProcesses
  3. Initial Collection of many measures from the IS&T Quarterly Reports. An inventory of measures available ISTMeasuresInventory
  4. a Proposed set of public-facing measures for special presentation PublicFacingMeasures.
    The current working version of what we mean to do is here --

Recent Goal Setting

A December 19, 2005 meeting of this team generated this list of actions to take in support of the goal:

1. Continue having Directors report on metrics in their quarterly reports.

2. Suggest that Directors and managers use the metrics on a monthly basis for reviewing performance in key areas.

3. Create an IS&T Measures page that reports metrics that indicate how IS&T is performing in key areas that matter to customers. Agree in January 2006 what metrics are most useful.

4. make the web page both a reporting vehicle as well as a repository so information can be captured and trends can be analyzed.

5. Place metrics on the agendas of 1:1 meetings between Jerry and each Director, generally at first meeting following the filing of the quarterly report each quarter.

6. Write a story using metrics as the catalyst once a quarter. The transition to a wireless campus is an example of a story that could use a narrative along with the trend chart. Another possibility would be software and another would be self-help.

7. Rob Smyser can act as the internal resource for all of IS&T with Brian providing support as the external resource.

Next Steps

* group key measures by affinity on a web page.

* design the web site in such a way that it will serve both as a place to view the metrics and as a repository so we can capture the numbers over time.

* Email to Jerry, Theresa, Greg, Joanne and Rob from Brian

  • - tell the story of what we're trying to accomplish.
    - get a commitment on measures to continue with.

* define the path for obtaining the raw data of everything we are posting.

* document the layered design.

* draft a list of measures are likely to matter to customers. (A draft list was created at the meeting and is listed here.)

  1. helpdesk cases solved in 24 hours
  • b. help calls generated
    c. software order fulfillment cycle time; pair with N of downloads done directly.
    d. software packages made available by IS&T; be able to say that clients get their orders filled in less than Y days X % of the time.
    e. Network reliability -- uptime (measured in some way)
    f. Network vulnerability to infection (N of security cases created)
    g. N of copyright cases incurred in StopIT
    h. provision of self-help (investment in pages created or changed)
  1. utilization of self-help (mit-campus hits to official self-help sources)
  • j. TSM usage, error rate in scheduled backups, % of restores that succeed (if this can be measured)
    k. Telephony network moves/adds/changes
    l. Wireless utilization (unique wireless users per day)
    Unknown macro: {should increase to some asymptote related to campus population}

    m. Collocation servers -- what % devoted to Research vs other. how long does it take to set one up if we are asked. How many more can we take on?
    n. Spam screening -- N of mailboxes with Spam filtering, N w/ autopurge turned on.
    o. N of messages filtered at the border that are a.) spam, b.) virus infected
    p. Stellar courses per quarter.
    q. Use of campus cell phone discount packages. Is this progrem being used, is it successful, can it grow? etc.
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