Change Communications

  • Help Desk Alert: Stellar database migration to new Linux servers Sat, Oct 9. End user problem reported shortly thereafter could be related.
  • Possible Jira upgrade project in beginning phases. Might affect development teams but not yet.
  • MIT Mobile doing another weekly release – Justin reports there won't be another until Android, approx. four weeks.
  • Steve Landry currently assigned "production triage" process design, therefore will reach out to network, ops, and service owners to post-mortem communications processes during this weekend's SAN outage.
  • The release schedules for many project will overlap late October to early November. Projects and name of responsible Pipeline member to get final release dates below. Our job is just to make sure changes are not happening simultaneously or too close together.
    • APR, eW2: Steve Landry
    • WTW, Online Grading: Kevin Mullins
    • MIT Alert: TBD
    • Mobile/Android: Justin Anderson

Resource Requests or Possible Conflicts

  • Roles Release Mgmt SNAFU: Roles web service and Roles UI waiting for production deployment, no release-engineer resource to be found. Steve Landry to take back to SEWS/Rich Murphy for transition. DM team also waiting for Parsley (test sytem) patch from database administrator. To be scheduled.
  • DM, Reporting: Cognos and SAP bus. obj. prototyping to begin. Could require DB and systems-integrator resources in the next few weeks. Possible resource strain due to simulaneous Blackboard/Stellar NG work.

House Cleaning

  • Noted that Network is not represented at expanded Pipeline meetings. Pat Sheppard to reach out to Network.
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