Library of Procedures

  • updates made to process map (Pat)
  • draft of retirement checklist by 12/23 (Pat)
  • Dave has started Mac OS X 10.5 retirement planning

Data Collection


  • additional roles to be created for 12/13 working session:
    • product coordinator (edit content types, create content)
    • view only
    • restricted view (no business assets)
    • IT support (completed)
    • administrator (completed)
  • need to set expectations for each role
  • LDAP integration means community authentication (will have no role, no view)
  • configuration items are flat (no tree)
  • look at CI software configuration 12/13
    • versions
    • hosted
    • distributed
  • need to create coordinator content type
    • contact notes in text field (team contact list)
  • create new users in prototype (senior staff)

Meeting Schedule:

  • prototype working session 12/13
  • sponsor meeting 12/15
  • MTS update 12/16
  • prototype working session 12/19
  • holiday break 12/23-1/3
  • sponsor meeting 1/5
  • No labels