Next steps
Ann Whiteside and Beverly to meet with student group regarding future process. (This is an example of growing collections in DOME and single item submissions.)
Rotch needs to decide what to do about substandard metadata--possibly hire student to enhance metadata. Carl & Rob recommend against adding subject headings later in DOME. Better to do earlier in a metadata editor.
October 6, 2009
Scanning has been done by OCA and images are in Internet Archive. Not yet in DOME because of pretty minimal Barton metadata.
March 31, 2009
Took volumes 1-34 to OCA 3/31/09.
OCA will scan volumes 1-10 as foldouts.
March 2009
Nicole finished the preparation for OCA early March.
Delayed looking for volumes 33 &34 from Rotch.
Checked out volumes 33 & 34 from limited access in Rotch.