Week 1: 12 December 2011

24 items
5 - 30 minutes
straight forward items: 5 - 6 min/
average 12.5 min/


  1. OCRing:  Many of the reports either have not been OCR’d or they have been OCR’d but have also been “SECURED” to prevent copy and pasting the text. Typing the abstracts for these reports took an additional 5-10 minutes each until I started skipping these reports.
  2. File Description: Should I enter anything in this field?
  3. Ordered Authors: One thesis listed the collaborators in two vertical columns---MIT on the left, INEEL on the right.  I put the MIT authors first in the ordered authors. How should I handle an example where the order of the authors is not obvious?
  4. How should I handle it when a PDF is flawed?  One was mis-named and mis-numbered, another was missing pages, another had two different abstracts, another one seemed to be only an executive summary of the report, not the report itself.
    1. Can’t trust the file name from the dept.  2 cases when the file didn’t match the number on the item.  3 instances when no number on item at all. Is it still safe to assume?
  5. Sponsor information - how much (will update metadata guidelines)

Item Specific Questions

ANP-071: Selection of Correlations and Look-Up Tables for Critical Heat Flux Prediction in the Generation IV "IRIS" Reactor

There are two different abstracts in this file. My best guess is that the first abstract should not be there, but I could be wrong.

Page 6 of the document is blank, but probably should not be. Should I make not of such things when doing the work?

Held for now.

10 minutes


This seems to be an incomplete document. According to CANES website (http://canes.mit.edu/reports/advanced-nuclear-power-anp-program) this one should be:

A.C. Kadak and R.G. Ballinger et al., Modular Pebble Bed Reactor Project, Third Annual Report (November 2001).

But all that is present is an Executive Summary page.

Held for now.

5 minutes

Many of these articles have already been submitted to Dspace as theses. However, the theses tend to only include the name of the student as an author, whereas the reports tend to include more names. I encountered one report that was in fact the thesis file. Searching online led me to believe that another version exists which gives credit to more than just the student. This makes me wonder if it was an error to treat the thesis itself as TR-115. (See http://mit.edu/canes/publications/abstracts/anp/anp-115.html)
ANP-115: Gas Heat Transfer in a Heated Vertical Channel under Deteriorated Turbulent Heat Transfer Regime

This one is the actual thesis (as opposed to a technical report that happens to have also been a thesis), There is no series number listed on it so I presumed TR-115 because of the filename.

I googled the title and found it listed on the CANES website here (http://mit.edu/canes/publications/abstracts/anp/anp-115.html) but they list it as having three authors, not just one, as on the thesis.

This makes me wonder if "MIT-ANP-TR-115" is technically a different document than this thesis.

Changes to be made

  1. Change “Technical Report” to “Publications” in the collection title
  2. Experimental and Analytic Evaluation of Gas-cooled Reactor Cavity Cooling System Performance http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/67646 :  NOT ANP  (?Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Program on )## One report was called “MITNPI-TR-038” instead of “MIT-ANP-TR-038”. I entered it as MIT-ANP-TR-038 but also added MITNPI-TR-038 as an identifier at the bottom. Was there a better way to handle this?)Nuclear Power Plant Innovation)
  3. Conceptual Design of a Large, Passive Pressure-Tube Light Water Reactor (duplicate)
  4. The submission form adds a “1” to the Day field every time I hit an “Add” button on the page after entering the Year/Month. This requires me to clear the day field as a final step before submitting the item.  [Hold on all template changes until the end]
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