
The following guideline is mainly to be use for the copy cataloging of cartographic materials. Guidelines for any cataloging process, other than copy cataloging, like original cataloging by deriving from an existing bib record or using a blank work-form, can be found in the reference materials listed below.  This also applies to any in-depth cataloging questions.  For issues regarding local editing and processing practices in general, refer to MIT Libraries’ Monograph Editing Guideline. Reference materials for editing: 

  1. MIT Libraries’ Monograph Editing Guidelines. [http://macfadden.mit.edu:9500/colserv/cat/monocat/MonoTags.htm]
  2. MIT Libraries’ Monograph Acquisition Section: Procedures. [http://macfadden.mit.edu:9500/colserv/monoacq/policies/policies.html]
  3. MIT Libraries’ Authorities Policies and Procedures. [http://macfadden.mit.edu:9500/colserv/cat/authorities/authorities-polproc.htm]
  4. OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards. [http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/]
  5. Library of Congress Bibliographic MARC Formats. [http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdhome.html]
  6. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. AACR2. (2nd ed., 2002 revision with 2005 update).  Web access via [http://desktop.loc.gov/] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
  7. Library of Congress Rule Interpretations.   Web access via [http://desktop.loc.gov/] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
  8. LCSH: Principles of Structure and Policies of Application.  Web access via [http://desktop.loc.gov/] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
  9. Subject Cataloging Manual. Web access via [http://desktop.loc.gov/] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
  10. Library of Congress. Classification Web, Class G schedule. (2005 ed.).  Web access [http://classificationweb.net/Menu/index.html] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
  11. Cartographical materials: a manual of interpretation of AACR2. (2002 rev., 2nd ed.). Chicago: ALA. Web access via [http://desktop.loc.gov/] (Need User ID and Password for Login)
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