Non-Western language books (Arabic, Japanese, Farsi, etc.)
- Where the cataloger transcribes the call # in non-Western books must be consistent with how books in non-Western languages read, i.e. right to left. This will mean that the title page will be a page in what we usually think of as the "back" of the book. Find the title page and transcribe with pencil the call number onto the verso of that title page.
- However, barcodes are always placed in the same position in all books regardless of language. If the book is a hard-cover, a single barcode should be placed on what would be the “front cover” if it were written in a Western language, top left corner, no more than 1” from the top edge and not more than 3” from the left edge, regardless of the cover design. For paper-back book, place a piggyback barcode of what would be the "back cover" if it were written in a Western language, 1” from the top and centered.
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