- VIDEOS. Type or hand-write call number in pen on an archival quality foil-backed 1½ x 1 in. label. Put the label on the spine of the case. Do not use the prefix “Videocassette” in the call number.
- DVDs. Type or hand-write call number in pen on an archival quality foil-backed 1½ x 1 in. label. Do not include the prefix “DVD” in call number. Put the label on the front of the case, in the left top corner. Write call number in pencil on accompanying booklets in jewel cases.
- CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs. Type or hand-write call number in pen on an archival quality foil-backed 1½ x 1 in. label. Do not include the prefix “CD-ROM” in the call number. Put the label on the front of the jewel case, in the left top corner. Write call number in pencil on accompanying booklets in jewel cases.
- MAPS. See directions under placement of barcodes . Call number should be written in pencil as close to the barcode as possible, preferably above it if there is room.
- MICROFILM. Hand-write call number in pencil directly on box or on an archival quality foil-backed 1½ x 1 in. label in upper left top corner. Do not include the prefix “Microfilm” in the call number.
- MICROFICHE. Hand-write call number in pencil on envelope or on an archival quality foil-backed 1½ x 1 in. label. Do not include the prefix “Microfiche” in the call number. Put the label on the front of the case, in the left top corner. Use one barcode for each set of multiple fiche, if that set constitutes one title, even if each fiche is inserted into separate envelopes.
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