Present: Michael Noga, Peter Cohn (chair), Jen Harter (minutes), Maggie Bartley, Angie Locknar, Anita Perkins, Lisa Sweeney, Georgiana McReynolds

  • There is no IAP coordinator yet but a member of this committee is considering it.
  • There is a RUSA online reference interview class, being given twice this fall.  Jen will forward the link to it.
  • There will be a GIS session for library and IS&T staff today in the DIRC at noon.
  • Barker still needs volunteers for the dome reception next Wednesday.  Email Denise if you're interested.

Finalize meeting ground rules:

  • Confidentiality when requested.
  • Draft agenda sent to all-lib one week prior to meeting.
  • Final agenda sent 24 hours prior to meeting.
  • Members who cannot attend a meeting should notify the chair. Members may invite a substitute to attend in their place (notify chair).
  • Meetings begin and end on time.
  • Record of meetings kept; draft minutes sent out within one week following a meeting, final minutes sent to all-lib one week following the issuance of draft minutes.
  • Maintain an open and honest environment.
  • Reach closure on agenda items.
  • Members are responsible for communicating information to staff
  • Some of the work of the group may take place outside of meetings.
  • Meetings are open to non-members when appropriate as determined by the agenda.

Follow up on questions from previous meeting:

  • Budget: Steve would be willing to give us $500 for a spring seminar and we should check with him for other costs.  In the next month we should think about what we will need and give him concrete numbers.  IAP events and publicity would be included in this budget.  We'll put this on the agenda of our next meeting.  ACTION: Peter will investigate poster costs, etc.
  • Web page:  It looks like the committee will be responsible for our web page.  UIG is currently working on a transition from the old staff site to a new site, which we will need to keep in mind when thinking about our page, and which should make the maintenance of the page easier.  ACTION: Everyone should look at the old reference and instruction pages and think about what should be transitioned to the new site and what should be archived.
  • Charge: Steve accepted our redrafted charge, as listed in the RISG minutes of 7/26/06.
  • Additional member of RISG: We can put out a call for a support staff member of the committee.  ACTION: Peter will check with Steve to find out if there were interested people who weren't able to join committees, then draft a call for new members.
  • Survey: CFG is focusing on outreach and awareness, so we'd have to work on reference and instruction aspects of it on our own.

Projects and tasks for this year:

Projects to start working on this fall:

  • System wide instruction plan - We will put this on the agenda of the next RISG meeting.  ACTION: Read the existing instruction plans before then.  They are on the old instruction committee web site. 
  • Library survey: reference and instruction related issues
  • New RISG instruction and reference website design
  • Rethink/redesign reference manual
  • Maintain instruction toolkit


  • Use subspec-lib as a pool of volunteers to observe instruction sessions - ACTION:  Michael will send a message to subspec-lib letting people know that we'll be doing this
  • IAP: find a coordinator
  • Maintain collaboration with Writing Center and Writing Across the Curriculum staff

Future projects:

  • Peer-to-peer coaching (instruction and/or reference)
  • Reference and instruction statistics - tabled pending PSLG's discussion of overall assessment plan
  • Big picture issues related to reference and instruction
  • Spring seminar
  • Assessment placeholder
  • Research support projects placeholder
  • Documentation and training placeholder (coordinate with ASG and ISG)

Next meeting: 9/13/06, 10 AM, Rotch Seminar Room
Minutes: Angie Locknar

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