Present: Bartley, Cohn, Locknar, Noga (scribe), Perkins, Rostoff
Guest: Patty Durisin Barbera
Tutorials with Patty
Patty Durisin Barbera talked about the draft tutorials that she is creating. RISG looked at an example and gave feedback to Patty.
Additional feedback can go to Patty at
Bulleted list of RISG feedback comes from Locknar's notes:
- Highlight journal title when you say "search for the journal title, not the article title" - AL
- Web of Science - say Science and Engineering first
- Need to make sure access to things don't change (physics journal changed)
- Fast speaking? Especially in the beginning? Seems kind of fast but maybe that's ok for our students? Need to include this in assessment.
- Like the idea of pdf handout instead of recap
- Can you make it so users can adjust the speed? Maybe pause and resume is OK.
- Like call out boxes
- Some confusion about finding full text and sfx in Web of Sci. Maybe get rid of "full text" button explanation and just do sfx.
- Like including the costs of information resources in actual numbers
- Include "what to do when your search comes up with nothing" - how to revise searches
- Include "my search had way too many results, what do I do" - how to revise searches
- What about recording these in different languages. Maybe hire students to do this?
Ten tutorials are being created. They are based on topics from the Libraries' Web pages. Each lasts about 3-4 minutes. Each is a mixture of Powerpoint and live demonstration. The demo takes the user to the live version of databases and online journals, so the results may be different over time.
Each tutorial takes Durisin Barbera about 3 hours to record the script and put edit boxes into the presentation.
There was a discussion on assessing awareness of Web pages. Use results from the Libraries Survey question on using library guides to research specific subjects. Set a goal for awareness at the next RISG meeting.
Current DIRC use polices were established before the room was ready.
The policies are being updated, and they will be put on an updated Web page. Scheduling for long sessions (4 hours or more) will be clarified.
Scheduling during peak times will be clarified. The computer support group will have meetings in DIRC to update machines, instead of relying on automatic updates. DIRC instructors will be asked to check the room one hour before their sessions. A new email list will identified which machines are not working. Champions for specific software will be told about their responsibilities. A stand will be put outside DIRC to publicize sessions. The big table may be replaced by smaller tables with wheels. Mark Szarko is now on the committee. He and Angie will solve all problems.
Agenda for July meeting: Followup on assessment, RISG Wiki , Bibliographic management software
Future topics: Reference vision, system-wide instruction plan