Present: Bartley, Cohn (chair), Harter, Horowitz, Locknar, Perkins (minutes) Sweeney, Szarko
- Jen (IAP Coordinator) asked the group to encourage staff to post their IAP offerings.
- Anita noted that the Factiva training session (12/5, 2:15, Dewey) is open to all interested staff.
Discussion of Assessment Plan for MIT Libraries Information Services:
Lisa highlighted key points of the plan and led the discussion.
- Benchmarks or "guiding principles" (page 2) and basic tenets of good assessment (Appendix I) are based on a review of the literature on library assessment (Appendix V). Benchmarks may be revised as our values and priorities evolve over time.
- Benchmarks for assessment will be selected according to a multi-year cycle, to be determined by PSLG.
- Assessment activities need not be major projects. An assessment project might focus on data already gathered (for example in last year's survey) on a specific topic.
- By February PSLG hopes to have information from public service groups on their assessment plans for the current academic year: questions to be asked; measurable objective(s); tools. RISG will begin working on this at the next meeting (Dec. 13).
- PSLG will ensure that the committees' assessment projects are not duplicative.
Progress report from System-wide Instruction Plan subgroup:
Peter reported on the subgroup's progress on an outline, and on his conversation with Steve about the instruction plan. The plan will focus on undergraduate education. Work will include a statement of goals, an environmental scan, and identification of future opportunities. Cross-unit cooperation and the use of self-help tools will be addressed. Angie noted that a new group is being formed to coordinate the Libraries' efforts in the area of self-help tools.
Reference and Instruction Committees' web pages:
Discussion of the list (compiled by Peter) of this web content: what to archive, what to migrate to the new RISG web presence, etc.
Discussion and decision on a support staff representative for the committee.Next meeting: December 13, 10 - 12, Rotch Seminar Room