• Index.html
  • App:
    • index.js
    • app.js
    • services.js
  • Pages:
    • Home Page: 1 controller, controllerTests.js, and as many associated view templates as needed
    • Another page: 1 controller, controllerTests.js, and as many associated view templates as needed
  • Widgets:
    • Nav Widget: 1 controller and as many associated view templates as needed
    • Another widget: 1 controller and as many associated view templates as needed
  • Libraries:
    • can.js (minified and not)
    • jQuery.js (minified and not)
    • SlickGrid.js (minified and not)
    • jGrowl.js (minified and not)
    • App-specific libs (not minified while in dev, minified on build?)
  • CSS:
    • Skeleton css
    • App-css for app-specific overrides
  • Images:
  • Tests
    • Application functional and integration tests
  • No labels