200 OK
201 Created (whenever we successfully created a new record, currently via a PUT call)
400 Bad Request (FE made a bad request, params are missing, etc.)
401 Unauthorized – authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided
403 Forbidden – user is authenticated, but does not have permissions
404 Not Found no mapping required – API will take care of it
405 Method Not Allowed (whenever a REST call does not have a particular method) no mapping required – API will take care of it
500 Internal Server Error (there is an error on the server/DB side, FE did nothing wrong)
501 Not Implemented (e.g. a new REST call) no mapping required – API will take care of it
503 Service Unavailable (e.g. the system is down for maintenance)

Note: Implementation (DB/PHP) and handling (FE) of these status codes has NOT been done yet

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