- Need user interface integration tests that exercise the front end in context
- Need complete functional specifications
- Currently using JSON Objects, not PUT and POST Params, for PUTS, POSTS, and DELETES, therefore currently all PUTS, POSTS and DELETES need to have row body JSON parsing.
- Because we do not have classical resource/resourceID REST structure, we are using PUTS for create resource and POST for resource update, classical REST would reverse the PUT and the POST (PUT for update, POST for create).
- Unify Error Codes
- Clean up of arg names and field names to match back end, and to unify the names for a given field (example, COST_OBJECT_ID contains the same information as COST_COLLECTOR_KEY), based on Wiki page X.
{"serverDuration": 110, "requestCorrelationId": "bfab9a57d10d3c3a"}