Updated Plan (10/5)

RK, CN, LH, NC, MB Spoke with Tom Kiley 


1. Projects

  • There will be 5 x 2 (10) Speakers for the 5-min presentations
  • For each speaker, ClimateX will post a Project (ie 10 project pages)
  • ClimateX will work with speaker to solicit the information required to publish a complete Project page  – perhaps using a survey tool to get basic questions answered.
  • Tom will work with each speaker to detail the basic commitment for each Speaker
    • Provide the deck in advance of the presentation
    • Provide basic information about the presentation in order to allow ClimateX to populate the page.
    • Become a member of ClimateX. It's up to the member to decide if they'll respond to public comments/questions on ClimateX.
  • ClimateX will work to have all projects uploaded and posted prior to the presentation.
  • ClimateX will work to create a means to centralize all Climate Summit related material under a single lander page. 

2. Podcasts

  • ClimateX will begin to plan podcast sessions with Moderators and Speakers
  • Tom will reach out to identified Moderators and Speakers to inform them of the goal and commitment (which is quite low effort).
    • Advance questions sent to prepare for discussion
    • 45 minute very informal conversation in ODL studio (or remotely if necessary)
    • Final cut sent for review and approval
  • ClimateX will follow up and usher the guest speaker through the process. 
  • ClimateX will publish the podcasts on the ClimateX site in advance of the Summit.


  • ClimateX representative(s) and Podcast producer will attend Climate Summit with the goal of conducting quick soundbite interviews for post-conference publishing.
    • Plans to be determined

3.  Membership / recruitment drive

  • Tom Kiley will encourage various student organizations to join ClimateX and participate in the conversation with the hope of creating a balanced audience and a more diverse range of voices on the site. 


4. Climate Summit site

  • The Webcast will be hosted on the Climate Summit site.
  • The recorded version of the Webcast will be hosted and posted on ClimateX
  • The Climate Summit site will clarify that all community related activity will occur on ClimateX and redirect users there.

Site Map for Proposed Experience (9/14)

  • No labels