Kris Newton (Graves) | Key Quotes "People are very willing to share their stuff" "I've gotten more stuff from that kind of thing [online resources] than I have locally" "The benefit of being on the same page [on same timeline, using same rubric] is that you can collaborate in ways that you couldn't collaborate otherwise" "I feel like my creativity piece of it is satisfied by bringing my ideas to the group and having the group decide on some creative thing we're going to do" |
Raw Notes | Key Themes |
25 years teaching Physics Studied Mechanical Engineering at MIT Teaches 3 classes: two 9th grade physics, one AP I physics CRAL designed physics program independently:
Involvement outside of CRAL - very involved, part of committees and projects, has contacts, but no ongoing collaborations with teachers
Physics is an open community - people are happy to share their stuff (collaboration is mostly online) Site: PrettyGoodPhysics – wiki/forum Used to coach teaching physics; doing so at a distance would be difficult. A schedule would definitely need to be in place Challenge: New Standards
| Collaboration between teachers has created a strong curriculum Curriculums are constantly being revised and tweaked depending upon Utilizes online resources more than outside contacts Without strong/supportive/collaborative teacher unit at CRAL, imposed standards would be difficult to implement Virtually coaching teachers would be difficult. A schedule would definitely need to be put in place |