See updated summer homework doc here –
Other notes:
2.3 - Make various other MIT groups/organizations into members on the site with own profile
- John is happy to reach out to faculty about being a "publisher" on the site
- Easy to do - people can "reserve their seat" on ClimateX now, then have their content transferred over
- We're also happy to share other people's content - doesn't have to be original
4 - Make new podcasts -
What do we want to accomplish podcast-wise in a 3-months?
5-10 minute chunks that are topic-based? Make it less time-intensive for Dave L., host, and guests
- Short list of potential podcast types:
- Topical podcast
- "Micro-pods"
- Student-led podcasts (fall, part of John's freshman seminar)
- Lecture series (inviting people who are apart of John's lecture series to do a podcast as part of their visit)
- John also mentioned just pulling out a recorder when he travels and gathering soundbites from various interesting people
- Who's going to host? Laur?
5.1 - Transition to new site
- "Heart of summer homework"
- Transferring content over - certain categorial decisions? Go through content individually? Systematic way of doing this?