EDAM Intro

The major desired impacts of the MIT/Portugal EDAM focus area are to make progress toward:

  • Significantly improved educational programs in design, product development, and technological leadership.
  • Development of a cadre of innovation leaders educated not only in the fundamental elements of technology and management, but also trained in the practical exploitation of those core skills in the leadership and formation of knowledge-based creative enterprises
  • Educationally coupled research results that set a foundation for improving the capabilities to design, to manufacture and to market high-value products and integrated systems in order to reinforce the Portuguese and European techno-industrial capabilities.

Doctoral Program in Leaders for Technical Industries (LTI)

The PhD program will comprise a curricular part, industrial internships and a doctoral thesis.

LTI objectives

To train knowledge-based leaders for companies with a technological profile, enabling a new European paradigm in managing product development and production systems, supported by a doctoral level education. To develop human resources competences fostering the innovative application of new knowledge in successful products and/or processes.

LTI courses

The PhD program will comprise a curricular part, industrial internships and a doctoral thesis.

The curricular part was jointly developed by MIT and Portuguese staff and will address core areas in product development, advanced manufacturing and industrial management, namely:

  • Engineering Systems
  • Fundamentals in Engineering Sciences
  • Management
  • Operations Analysis
  • Production Management
  • Engineering Research Methods
  • Leadership
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Product Development
  • Technology Evaluation & Selection

 more at http://www.mitportugal.org/edam/doctoral.aspx

Marco Leite 

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