The monthly billing process in Cost Recovery is comprised of a series of steps that extract usage data from lab applications (Coral & MUMMS), allow for review and revision of that data, and then prepare the data for upload to MIT's accounting system, SAP. The billing period home page has three sections.


The first section of this page, the Status  section, tells you the status of the billing period you are viewing.

The Status section has several different sub-sections:

  1. Billing Process: This indicates the overall status of the billing period. Possible states include:
    1. Not Started: The billing period has not begun.
    2. In Progress: The billing period is in progress, i.e. looking at the June billing period during the month of June.
    3. Processing: The billing period is ended but processing of charges has not been completed.
    4. Completed: The billing period is ended and processing of charges has been completed.
  2. MUMMS Import
    1. Not imported: There have been no imports of MUMMS charges.
    2. Imported: MUMMS charges have been imported.
    3. Error: There was an error with the most recent MUMMS import.
    4. Final Import Completed: The final import for the billing period has been completed (the import done the first day after the billing period is completed).
  3. Coral Import
    1. Not imported: There have been no imports of Coral charges.
    2. Imported: Coral charges have been imported.
    3. Error: There was an error with the most recent Coral import.
    4. Final Import Completed: The final import for the billing period has been completed (the import done the first day after the billing period is completed).
  4. Coral Facility Review Status
    1. Not complete: There are lab managers who have not complete the review of their lab(s). Lab managers should review charges and make adjustments or set "action required" records for charges for which they would like fiscal staff to take action.
    2. Complete: All lab managers have completed their reviews.
  5. Coral Fiscal Review Status
    1. Not complete: The fiscal review is not complete if there are facility reviews that are not complete and/or if there are outstanding "action required" records that need to be acted on by fiscal staff.
    2. Complete: The fiscal review is completed if all the facility reviews are completed and there is no "action required" record that need that need to be acted on by fiscal staff.
  6. Export Charges: The status of the export of charges which allow for viewing of final charges and uploading of charges to SAP. Possible states include:
    1. Not Exported: There have been no exports.
    2. Exported: The charges have been exported.
    3. Error: There was an error with the most recent export.
    4. Final Export Completed, which can have two sub states:
      1. The export was marked invalid (i.e. charges were not able to be uploaded successfully to SAP) and charges must be re-exported.
      2. The export was marked valid, which also means the billing period is now completed.


The Tasks section provides access to the various tasks that can be performed when processing charges for the billing period. Each task has a "GO" button that takes you to the pages where you can perform those tasks. In certain cases, depending on the status of the billing period (see above) some tasks may not be available. In these cases, the "GO" button will be greyed out.

The following tasks are available:

  1. Manage Special Charges: Fiscal staff can create, edit, or delete special charges for the billing period.
  2. Manage Unbillables, which are charges that cannot be charged during the billing period in which they were incurred, usually because the cost object to which they were assigned has expired. This option, which is only available to fiscal staff, leads to two sub tasks:
    1. Reconcile unbillables from previous billing period.
    2. Mark charge during the current billing period as unbillable.
  3. Manage Coral Charges - Facility Review: Lab managers review and update Coral charges. Lab reviews can also be complete by fiscal staff if necessary.
  4. Manage Coral Action Requireds - Fiscal Review: Fiscal staff deals with any "action required" records assigned to charges by lab managers.
  5. Export and Complete Billing Period: Once all other steps are completed, the charges can be exported for upload to SAP.


The Reports section gives access to various reports. Reports are in HTML, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe PDF format. HTML reports display the go button, other reports use the appropriate icon. Some reports are not available depending on the status of the billing period (see above) in which case the report icon will be greyed out. See the screenshot below for descriptions of these reports.

Note that supervisors and their administrators do not have access to all of these reports, they can only see the Monthly Billing to Date Report, the Billing Report Summary and the Billing Report Detail, and these reports only show them the charges paid for by their cost objects.

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