Dome Design. The dominant image is the MIT Dome. Wing reinforced the MIT dome's lines with additional curved graphical elements. The objective with this design was to use humor, while keeping the overall design clean and simple. The second level pages contain two pictures at the top that vary each time the user visits the page. The left picture will be of a person or persons, and the right will be of a MIT place.

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  1. This is a hard choice to make, however I do like #1, featuring the dome.  I believe this picture stands out, and is easy for a new person to remember, it is an anchor, meaning that if the new employee visits the many links, but wants to get back to where he started, the dome is easily recognizable, and I think it is really cool. 

  2. I love the simplicity of the design with the humorous touches. As discussed in our meeting, I'd change the typeface and colors so it feels more like MIT branding and not HR branding. In other words, take the colors and fonts of design 2 and 3 and apply here. It's great!

  3. As I said in the meeting, I love this design for its clean, crisp look and clever "You are here" motif with the dome. I would like to see much stronger branding for the site vs. HR, and also a stronger identification with MIT (the dome makes it obvious on the homepage, but on subsequent pages, it may look more like orientation for HR than orientation for MIT).

    I don't necessarily need to see the colors from design #2 -- any colors that helped NEO brand stand out would be fine.

    I'd like to see if this design could incorporate the rounded Community Box from design #3, with the vertical "Community."


  4. Design 1 likes:
     Really like the Dome humor- it works on many different levels.
     The use of the MIT red to highlight external links. Also, links tend to appear at the beginning of paragraphs, and are only infrequently within the paragraph.
     The design is easy on the eye.
     Community box- great idea. Especially like the dynamic contents. Keeps everything fresh.

    Change Suggestions:
     New Employees Orientation --> New Employee Orientation
     Also, add color to "New Employee Orientation" or change font to make it stand out more
     Prefer round "Community" balloon object (vs. oblong object) with vertical Community"
     Not clear whether the people pictures at the top of the secondary pages are static or not- prefer that they be dynamic.

     Navigation- all versions do a great job of giving an appearance of a 2 level web site. However, the site really has three, and in many cases to get to detailed information, requires going to a level 4. This is one too many.

     I'm looking at the top page and question the value it offers to returning users. I suggest we give out the top level page to everyone, but somehow direct return visitors to the secondary "My MIT" page. (Or perhaps remember the top most secondary page the user last visited?)

     There was a reference to "YouTube"; do we need to include a trademark reference?

  5. This is such an elegant design, and we love what Wing has done to fine-tune the navigation under New Employee Orientation in the upper left. But while this design is elegant, it also has energy and clarity. You feel you've landed someplace exciting, but you aren't overwhelmed.

    I think we might want to spell out YOU ARE HERE, rather than You're Here, since the colloquial convention is YOU ARE HERE.

    Like Laurie, we like the rounded box with the vertical community, but the rectangle is quite handsome and inviting. Win/win as far as we're concerned!

    One thing: We have the "Meet Your Community" video and the "Community" box of tools living on top of one another. When you see them together on the Your MIT page, does it look like too much "Community?" Perhaps we should rename the video box?