Please add your comments here re: the prototype.

Five pages are available as of 7/7/08: home page, all three second level pages, and one third level page (Growing and Learning)

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  1. Overall it looks fabulous.
    1) I'm getting a horizontal scrollbar on a 17-inch monitor at 1024x728. It doesn't scroll more than a few pixels; maybe we can eliminate it? (In IE it's on all pages, in Firefox it's on all pages except the homepage.)

    2) Could use more space between the bullets on the rollover nav items and the text of each item

    3) Consider bolding rollover nav items (they look a little thin against the dark-colored backgrounds)

    4) The colored box/background on the Benefits page should go away (this is a design error that got accidentally carried over). Only "See the Sites" boxes should have a color.

    5) A content thought: Perhaps the welcome page text could use a link to help first-time visitors get rolling. My past usability testing experiences tell me it could be a little disorienting for users to read the text and then not know what to do next. Going to the nav and picking something is more of a task than we might think. Just a little encouragement to continue on. Maybe something like, "Are you starting a new job at MIT soon? See our Before You Start checklist."

  2. Community Bubble comments:

    Get-flash text wasn't there yet in Firefox (just a blank area where buble would be). I didn't even realize Flash wasn't on my new laptop -- if Ken hadn't said the bubble was there I wouldn't have known. The Benefits graphic was what sent me to Adobe's site (but no easy way back unfortunately -- can it open in a different window)?

    Otherwise looks great, works smoothly. The arrow next to "more fun" is disconcerting because it makes it appear that I'll be taken somehwere else when I click. Instead the bubble just reloads. Meanwhile, "see all" has no arrow, but does take you somewhere else. Maybe they should be reversed? "More fun | See all -->"

    Why is MIT fun/jargon/news in the nav? It should be available via "see all" and/or if the user doesn't have Flash, but not otherwise.

  3. Great job! It looks terrific.

     It would be nice to eliminate those few pixels at 1024x768 in order to eliminate the horizontal scroll bar- but how practical will that be?

    "Search this site" seems aligned better (maybe I'm imagining this).

    Color themes are maintained appropriately, including the Community bubble.

    Like the hyperlink destinations for "New Employee Orientation" and  the sub-heading "Your xxxx" (which just reloads the page)

    The Community bubble works as described in earlier discussions; it seems very easy to play with and to discover its functions. A lot of nice touches, too. E.G., multiple clicking the Fun/Jargon/News topics at the top cause the topics to be refreshed.

    I like the low key animation for the Your Benefits tour link.

    Re: Laurie's observation; an arrow does suggest to me that the system will take you someplace else. Nice thought to reverse "See All" with "More xxx".

    A random thought- the main header on the secondary and tertiary pages all have an arrow pointing to the main picture. Would it be appropriate to somehow associate information with the picture? Either a rollover caption, or a link to where the picture was taken?

  4. The prototype looks and works really well! 

    The orange highlight for the arrow in the multi-media tour is a nice, understated element and the arrow traveling across that box, gets attention and is subtle enough for me.

    The community bubble just keeps getting better! 

    It's great to see the pages spring to life.