These are open internships available in the NSE department and at other relevant groups.


Start Date





The Lemelson-MIT Program (LMIT) is developing an introductory level "InvenTeam™" initiative for 9th and 10th grade students to acquire and apply skills in both the "minds-on" things like math and science as well as the "hands-on" things like building safely with hand and power tools. This project-based enrichment initiative will be structured for out-of-school-time in schools, clubs, museums, and other non-profit organizations. LMIT would like MIT student interns to develop activities and create videos that help high school students learn skills and relevant concepts through hacking inexpensive, readily available materials (e.g.: can a thermostat be used as a control? How can you shape and join materials to build a strong structure?). Interns would also help develop design challenges that build off-of the activities and focus on broader concepts (e.g.: forces, structures & materials science, fluids, hydraulics & pneumatics, electricity & energy). Interns may have the opportunity to work with high school students and their teachers to pilot the activities in local Boston and Cambridge area through LMIT’s partner schools and/or InvenTeam™ grantees.

Lemelson-MIT Internship Program

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