ZUTTREQ: The Transport Request Email Utility Program

The Transport Request Email Utility Program (ZUTTREQ) was developed to streamline the transport request process and to ensure that all parties are notified when a change is made that may affect their area.

To submit an email requesting that a transport be moved from one SAP environment to another, execute ZUTTREQ in the SAP environment that contains the original transport request (this should be SF2 for new development and SF3 for OSS notes). Complete the checkboxes and text fields applicable to your transport request. Upon execution, ZUTTREQ determines if the transport request contains obsolete programs, or changes that effect workflow objects. If so, email is sent to the appropriate areas for follow-up.

To execute the program, enter the transaction code ZUTTREQ in the ‘Command Field’ and click the ‘Enter’ button. Note: If the ‘Command Field’ does not appear, click on the right facing arrow to open the field. Click the ‘Execute’ button. The first screen to appear is the Transport Info screen. This is the first of five screens to be completed.

1. Transport Info

Transport Request#(s): Enter the transport request number(s) that you want to move. The default value is the last transport you released in the environment where you are currently running this program. To view a list of the transports you have released in the last 90 days click the search help button.

To enter more than one transport request number, click the Multiple Selection button to display the Multiple Selection window for Transport Request(s). Within this window, enter one transport request in each field. Click on the Search Help to display the request/task window and choose the desired request from the list shown. Repeat this step in the next field to enter another single value. To change the search criteria, click on the funnel button within the request/task window to restrict the search values by request/task, owner, or date. Click the green check to continue or red ‘X’ to cancel.

To select multiple requests from a list, click the Multiple Selection button. This displays the request/task popup window. Review the list and click in the selection boxes to the left of the desired request(s) to include them in your transport. To change the search criteria, click on the funnel button within the Request/task window to restrict the search values by Request/task, owner, or date. Click the green check to continue or red ‘X’ to cancel.

To specify the order of multiple requests, click the Edit Import Sequence button. The multiple requests you chose display in a new screen. In the box to the left of the requests enter the sequential process order for the requests. Click the Continue button to return to the main screen. Note: the Special Instructions field now contains “Please import the requests in the specified order”.

Request description: The system populates this field with the description of the request. If you have chosen to include multiple requests, the Request description field reflects only the first request; the email contains descriptions for each transport listed.

From SAP environment: Enter the environment the transport should be moved from AND to.

Date Expected in Production: Enter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) the transport is expected in the production environment. The default value, the date of the next Thursday, populates this field which represents the next day for scheduled transport processing. When a transport request has been flagged as Critical, this field becomes a required field, and should be changed to contain the actual date the transport is expected in production.

Purpose of transport: Enter text to explain what problem(s) the transport(s) fix. Note: When including multiple transports, this explanation should apply to the total transport request.

Special instructions: Enter any special instructions that should be considered when processing this transport request (i.e. Do not transport to).

Critical flag: Check the box next to Critical to flag the transport request as a critical transport. When the Critical box is checked, the page redisplays with the Critical Transport section. The Date Expected in Production becomes a required field, and the email notification includes ‘Critical’ in the subject line and body of the email.

Time of import: Select a processing time for this request.

  • At specified time – Enter a specific time or a span of time for transport processing.
  • During the business day – Transport processing occurs between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
  • After close of business day – Transport processing occurs after 5:00pm.

Critical circumstances: Select the production circumstance(s) the transport addresses.

  • Business process has halted
  • Calculation or computation is incorrect
  • Date or time sensitive process condition
  • Data Warehouse data is incomplete
  • Data Warehouse data is incorrect
  • Project error condition
  • System repair is needed
  • Web related correction

Request Tracker:

  • Queue Name - use the dropdown list to select the correct queue
  • Issue Number(s) - enter all the RT tickets

Note: If ‘Web-related correction’ is selected, selections are required on the Impacts screen.

This completes the Transport Info screen. Click the Impacts tab to continue.

2. Impacts

Validation rules: If the transport request contains any tasks that affect Validation Rules, click the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. If a new validation rule is created, be sure to enter the name of that validation rule in the text field. Mit-abap@mit.edu and tcp@mit.edu are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Required fields: If the transport request contains any tasks that affect the required fields on a screen, click the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Example, include the name of the screen field(s) effected and whether a required field has been added or removed from a screen. Mit-abap@mit.edu and tcp@mit.edu is entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Table changes / enhancements: If the transport request contains any tasks that affect a table, click the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Example, include the name of the table(s) and field(s) effected. Admincomp-tech@mit.edu and warehouse@mit.edu are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Web-related impacts:

ITS-web transaction files – Click the checkbox and enter the applicable file information

Athena-web help files – Click the checkbox and enter the applicable file information.root/directory/subdirectory/file
Informit-web business process documentation files – Click the checkbox and enter the applicable file information.root/directory/subdirectory/file
Mod to SAP code: If the transport request contains any tasks that change standard SAP code, click the checkbox and enter the Modification Key in the text field. Mit-abap@mit.edu is entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

User menu: If the transport request contains any tasks that change a user menu, click the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Menu changes would include the addition of a new object to an existing menu, or the creation of a new custom menu. Tcp@mit.edu, ist-quality@mit.edu, and mit-abap@mit.edu are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

OSS note(s) applied: If the transport request contains any tasks that apply an OSS note, click the checkbox and enter the OSS note number in the related text field. This information will be used to cross-reference OSS notes that are contained within support packages, to prevent the OSS note from being reapplied. Mit-abap@mit.edu is entered in the “Cc:” line of the email.

This completes the Impacts screen. Click the Change Control tab to continue.

3. Change Control

Company code: Enter the company code(s) associated with the development. The default value is ‘CUR’ company code. Click on the Search Help button to choose from a list of existing company codes. Click on the Multiple Selection button to enter more than one company code.

Business process owner(s): This is a required field. Enter the user ID of the Business Process Owner responsible for the area affected by the change(s). Click the Search Help button to look up a user ID. Click on the Multiple Selection button to enter more than one Business Process Owner. The Business Process Owner is included in the “Cc” line of the email.

Business analyst(s): Enter the user ID of the Business Analyst responsible for the area affected by the change(s). Click the Search Help button to look up a user ID. Click on the Multiple Selection button to enter more than one Business Analyst. The Business Analyst is included in the “Cc” line of the email.

Tested by: Enter the user ID of the person who tested the changes involved with the transport request. Click the Search Help button to look up a user ID. Click on the Multiple Selection button to enter more than one Tester. If you let the program determine the Cc recipients, the Tester is included in the “Cc” line of the email.

Rewritten programs: The user can add significantly rewritten objects with a limitation for those on the transport request only. Should the user enter an object to be reviewed (program of a subroutine), this triggers an option popup giving the user the choice to submit or not submit an email requesting an ABAP review based on MIT ABAP Development Standards.

This completes the Change Control screen. Click the Technical Services tab to continue.

4. Technical Services

The Technical Services section needs to be completed when a new program or when changes are made to an existing program that effect email notifications.

Program: If the transport request contains a new program or any changes that affect the email notification process of an existing program, click the checkbox. If the transport request includes only one program, the field automatically populates with the program name. When multiple programs are found within the transport request, check the possible entries button. A list of program names displays. Choose one program name from the list.

Sends email using handling category: If the transport request contains a change that effects an email handling category, click the checkbox and enter the effected handling category in the related text field.

Uses the DROPBOX with the following parameters: If the transport request contains a program that uses the DROPBOX, complete the appropriate text field to include the Feed Code and Data Provider that passes to the DROPBOX.

File retention: The default values are set to retain development files for 7 days and production files for 90 days. If the file retention period should be different, enter the appropriate number of days in the text field.

Initiating event: Enter the SAP event raised by the external feed, which triggers the background program.

Uses files not part of the dropbox: Click the checkbox if the transport request contains a program that uses files that are outside of the DROPBOX.

*Incoming file:\* (file:*) If the file is an incoming file, click the checkbox and enter the file name or file name format in the text field. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether this incoming file is a local file or a UNIX file. Refer to the Development Standards for the file name format.

*Outgoing file:\* (file:*) If the file is an outgoing file, click the checkbox and enter the file name or file name format in the text field. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether this outgoing file is a local file or a UNIX file. Refer to the Development Standards for the file name format.

Issues UNIX commands: Click the checkbox if the transport request contains a program that issues UNIX commands.

This completes the Technical Services screen. Click the User tab to continue.

5. User

Search helps: If the transport request contains any tasks that change Search Helps, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters, are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Acceptable values: If the transport request contains any tasks that change what values are accepted in a field, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters, are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Report appearance: If the transport request contains any tasks that change the appearance of a report, select the checkbox and enter the name of the report(s) effected and a description of the change in the related text field. Tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters, are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Online report action: If the transport request contains any tasks that involve drilldowns, expand/collapse capabilities, or other online processing of a report, select the checkbox and enter the name of the report(s) effected and a description of the change in the related text field. Tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters, are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Send mail to: If the box is checked, a copy of the email is also sent to tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters.

Other visible changes: If the transport request contains any tasks that cause changes visible to the end user and have not been covered in a previous category, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Tcp@mit.edu (the default), or the address(es) the user enters, are entered in the “CC:” line of the email.

Program exits: If the transport request contains any tasks that effect program exits, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. Admincomp-tech@mit.edu is entered in the “Cc:” line of the email.

Screen exits: If the transport request contains any tasks that effect screen exits, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. If you let the program determine the Cc recipients, admincomp-tech@mit.edu is entered in the “Cc:” line of the email.

Menu exits: If the transport request contains any tasks that effect menu exits, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. If you let the program determine the Cc recipients, admincomp-tech@mit.edu is entered in the “Cc:” line of the email.

User BADI: If the transport request contains any tasks that affect a business add-in related to a user exit, select the checkbox and enter a description of the change in the related text field. If you let the program determine the Cc recipients, admincomp-tech@mit.edu is entered in the “Cc:” line of the email.

New doc types: If the transport request contains any tasks that create a new document type, select the checkbox and enter the new document type and description in the related text field. If you let the program determine the Cc recipients, a “Cc:” is sent to sap-doc-types@mit.edu.

This completes the User screen.

Final Steps

Once the applicable fields are completed, click on the ‘Execute’ button (looks like a white clock with a green check mark). This displays a preview of the email message in a text editor window. Within this window you can change the text of the email message and the addresses in the “Cc:” field. To send the email, click the ‘Save’ button.

To return to ZUTTREQ without submitting the email click on the ‘Back’ button, the ‘Exit’ button, or the ‘Cancel’ button. Make the desired changes to ZUTTREQ and click the ‘Save’ button. ZUTTREQ program performs the following checks:

  • _Workflow Objects – If workflow objects are effected email is sent to wf-admin@mit.edu.
  • _Obsolete Programs – If development class ZZZ0 is found, email is sent to sap-obsolete-progs@mit.edu
  • _Obsolete programs are checked to see whether they have the development class ZZZ0 and the authorization group ZINACTV0.
  • _Other obsolete objects should not have an authorization group.
  • _Table TODIR is checked for obsolete function modules.
  • _ZUTTREQ issues an error should the object to be transported not be made obsolete properly.
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