As part of an NSF funded initiative to bring concepts of radio interferometry into the undergraduate classroom, Haystack Observatory has developed an interferometer using two Small Radio Telescopes (SRTs). The development of this two element SRT interferometer was a multi-stage effort which started with the simple adding interferometers, one with two SRTs and one with an SRT and a loop Yagi antenna, described below.
An interferometer receiver that contains a GPS timing capability has been built and installed on a three element interferometer system. The capabilities and block diagram of this system are described below. The development and testing of the other components that are needed to provide a complete 2-element interferometer, such as software and data processing capabilities have been done.
Given the complexity of the receiver and the high cost of the components, this receiver will not be commercially available. The three element interferometer at Haystack Observatory is available for limited, remote use.
A low-cost system that can be used to demonstrate interferometry concepts has been developed. Information about this “Very Small Radio Telescope” (VSRT) interferometer can be found here.
SRT Memo Index
Files related to SRT Interferometry start at Memo #16