PC Field System software for VGOS

A note from Ed Himwich (2 June 2016):

The situation with the FS is "evolving". There is no "standard" version of the FS for VGOS, but there is a version that works for stations that have participated so far. This is based on the FS 9.12 development branch. This currently works for stations with RDBEs and/or DBBC2, but we have to hand tune it as each new station is added. Also it is not a "full featured" operational version, but is sufficient to allow recording from a specially tailored .skd. We need to work with any station that wants to use it in order for it to work. So far this is just Westford, GGAO, KPGO 12m, Wettzell 13m, and Yebes 13m. 

Please contact Ed for more information.


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