• Issues
    • CIFS Interface - need to get this working soon
    • Filenames with special characters - files that are going into your web project can not have a certain set of characters
      • %
      • &
      • Etc.
      • You NEED the percent for web content if you want to store things to be accessed via URLs
    • What is the IS&T website?  Which files are live vs. dead?
      • Safe - pull in everything
      • AP ran a spider and gathered pages connected to the index... this includes everything that is not built by some sort of script
      • User exercise for content owners - what content is "the website"?
      • MIT web servers - what pages have been used recently?
    • The application is not user friendly for creating simple websites... what is the plan around allowing this to happen?
    • What is required for virtualization?  What files are required?  Meta-inf and Manifest-inf, etc.
    • In web.xml, the welcome file is identified so that Tomcat knows what to bring up... if this is empty, will Tomcat know what to bring up?
    • You should not need to restart the server for every little application fix... if you have to bounce the server, it is broken.
    • How can you tell who is currently logged in when you need to bounce the server?
    • Setting up new web projects for people
      • Defining roles, workflow - there will need to be a central resource for doing this
      • What is the deal with "admin" accounts?  Who can do what?
      • There are a ton of usability issues around this
  • Notes
    • IST-230 is up
      • Problem with filenames with special characters
    • ITInfo
  • To Do's
    • Get the old issues up to date with the new statuses - talk to carter about getting an hour window to play with this with notifications disabled
    • Go back over the severities of issues
    • Response to WCM-4?
    • Set up time (next week's developer's meeting) to go through each issue and resolve statuses
    • Create Jira components:
      • Web Client
      • CIFS Interface
      • Virtualization
      • Forms and Templates
      • Role Management?  RM
      • AVM
      • Usability
      • Sandbox View
      • Website View
      • Documentation
      • Repository
      • Create the list and send to Catherine... finalize... send to Carter
    • Can we just set up a different Jira instance?
  • No labels