Sprint 4 requires a minor alfresco model change for thalia. We are adding a new attribute called "hascustompermission" to the item object. This attribute is used to show if an item has item-level rights or not. You will have to make this model change before deploying the new thalia war. Here is the steps to deploy the new model:

 1. get the new model file thaliaModel.xml. You can get it through svn under thalia\ime\Trunk\thalia\model\thaliaModel.xml. Or you can get it from thalia-dev under /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/thaliaModel.xml. To make sure that the file is up-to-date, check to see the following aspect is defined (towards the end of the file):<aspect name="thalia:custompermission"> <title>custompermission</title>


<property name="thalia:hascustompermission">





</aspect> 2. log on to the alfresco server in the desired cluster (isda-thalia12 for test and isda-thalia9 for production)

3. go to /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise

4. stop alfresco by doing

./alfresco.sh stop

5. replace the model file /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/thaliaModel.xml with the new model file

6. restart alfresco by doing (in /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise directory)

./alfresco.sh start

7. check the log /home/alfresco-2.1.1-enterprise/alfresco.log to make sure that alfresco has restarted without errors.

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